Part 23

13 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : This part, might make some people uncomfortable. Just a quick warning. 

Word count : 1658

Date posted : 4.8.24


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP, I jumped up and looked around me. The sun was glaring through the curtains, my alarm blaring loudly throughout the room. Without thinking I reached over and tapped my phone quickly, shutting it off peaceful silence filled the room in a instant. It was 6:38 of a Saturday, I read it off my phone when it turned on.

My eyes drifted to Barry he was sleeping so pleasantly, not affected whatsoever by my alarm that went off just a second ago. His chest looked tight in the morning sunlight, he was sprawled out on the bed his arms clutching the pillow his head laid on. One underneath it, the other under his chin. His light muscles and veins popped out of his arms and forearms, making him look amazingly attractive. I couldn't stop watching him, he was almost like a drug so addictive. 

I moved my hands to my side after rubbing at my eyes, I was going to go back asleep but when I moved I had realized something extremely embarrassing had happened. I slowly started to stand up not wanting to believe what I thought it was, when I got my feet on the ground underneath me I looked back. 
There was blood... my period. 

"Shit" I whispered under my breath not wanting to wake him up. "Shit, shit, shit" I repeated looking down to see the mess all over me. I was really hoping nothing was on him.

What was I going to do? 

I panicked and walked to the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror looking at my reflection thinking of a way out of this. Coming up with a plan but everything I thought of just turned into a really bad idea. Like, I could tell him our sheets just needed washed? No its 6:38 in the morning he isn't going to believe you. Or I spilled my drink on it? No why would I have red dye in the freaking morning. Or even-

"Thea?" Barry tapped on the door, his voice was soft and quiet 

I sighed feeling embarrassed "Yeah Barr?" 

"There's blood on the sheets, did you hurt yourself baby?" He sounded so tired, I hated this was happening. 

My heart was in my throat, he was actually worried for me. It hurt my heart how much he cared. I shook it off "No I'm okay, I'm sorry" 

"Why are you apologizing?"

I looked at myself in the mirror and saw myself start to tear up, "Barry just give me a couple minutes please" my voice cracked and I heard him lean closer to the door to hear me.

"Thea are you crying? It's okay." I know he wanted to come in, but I didn't wanting him seeing me like this. 

I held myself back "I'm gonna hop in the shower, I'm sorry about the sheet's I'll be fast." I started undressing. 

"Please, just let me see you. Your scarring me Thea." 

I groaned quietly "No Barry, okay?" 

"Thea, I'm not going to judge you but I have to make sure your okay. There was a lot." He was trying to be nice and helpful but it was embarrassing for me majorly.

I finally gave in "I started my period"

He sighed "That's okay, Thea I just didn't want you hurt" 

I smiled very slightly and started the water, I just needed to clean myself and clear my head out. The shower was fast but I very much needed it, whenever I got out there was a pair of clothes on the counter some shorts and one of his shirts. It made me blush when I realized he got it out for me. I got dressed, brushed my teeth, did my skin care and finally I was ready to leave the bathroom. It maybe took me twenty minutes plus the shower which was probably another twenty minutes because I had to shave. So in total I probably spent a hour in the bathroom, I didn't have any clocks or timer with me to keep time so I just guessed. 

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