Part 15

9 2 0

Author : Me 

Note: This part is a little intense, I hope at least.

Word count : 1618

Date posted : 3.29.24 


The next couple of days were quiet, there was a couple more meta's than normal but it wasn't a huge deal. It's also been like two weeks sense Zoom had made a appearance so it was nice. Ever sense I discovered my role and impact in the speed force I have been able to use it more, and talk to it when I need help, it's also made me a whole lot faster and given me the power of lightening. Even though I haven't perfected it, it's been fun. I've gotten caught up with everything at CCPD so it's kinda been relaxing today. 

Barry and I had been hanging out at S.T.A.R labs today, and there isn't really much to do there either. Harry and Jay are ignoring each other, which is nice because it isn't as loud as it normally is. Cisco has normally been hanging out in his lab working on something for his new powers, he's just discovered. And Cait is working with Harry on how we are going to take Zoom's powers. 

So everyone was busy and I was feeling pretty useless with Barry. I looked at Barry who was standing in front of the cortex desk. He was doing something on the screen, and I watched from beside him. "What are you up to?" I asked him 

He sighed and looked at me "Trying to run our satellites to pick up any dark matter tachyon's to maybe help catch Zoom"

I nodded and hummed "So if any dark speedster decides to pay us a visit we would be able to tell" 

"No, you wouldn't be able to" Jay walked to the desk and looked at Barry "Zoom, is a villain on earth two right? So that mean's that he's getting here using a portal, a time portal." Jay told us 

I looked at Barry and back to Jay "That makes sense because you can't run through space"

"But only speedsters would be able to run through it, I got here because Zoom took me through the portal, how did Harry get here?" Jay asked, I could almost hear his anger in his voice

Barry ran to him "How did you get here?" He asked "How did you get through the time portal?" 

Harry stayed quiet and walked to his bag "With this, it adds positive tachyon's to someone or something. Tech that was designed on my earth, although it doesn't give you speed your body with grab those tachyon's and hold onto them for about ten minutes" He showed Barry the device

I took a breath "Okay, okay fine so why wouldn't you tell us about the portals sooner?" I asked him 

He shook his head "I thought you already knew" 

Barry ran over to the desk again and put some search into the satellites "I'm gonna find them, and we will find a way to stop them" 

Cisco walked in not too long after and started helping Barry, they knew how to do this so I let them. Jay had walked over to me "Hey Thea can I talk to you privately?" he whispered. 

I took a quick glance around the room and nodded "Sure but I can't be extremely long"

Barry made eye contact with me as I left the room, and I gave him a reassuring look telling him to just stick back for this one. He just nodded and got back to the project he and Cisco had so desperately been working on.

I followed next to Jay as he walked to the lounge "So Thea, I was wanting to maybe talk to you about some stuff" 

I kept a friendly look on my face and nodded "Yeah whats up?" 

He sucked in a breath of air looking at me "Your powers, I'm just curious on how they work. You know if I'm gonna help make a plan for taking down Zoom I gotta know what I have to work with." 

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