Part 14

19 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : I hope your so far enjoying this short story! 

Word count : 1337

Date posted : 3.28.24


"Seriously Thea I need those files on the crime scene" Captain Singh told me keeping a stern voice "They were supposed to be in already and it isn't a closed case yet" 

I nodded swallowing harshly "I am almost done with them, but it is just taking a little longer than usual"  

"Well try to speed things up" He slapped a folder of papers on his desk looking at me. 

My eyes watched his "I will speed things up, you'll have it by the end of today" 

He nodded his head "Dismissed" he pointed to the door. 

I walked out, placing my hand on the cold door knob and shutting it behind me. Barry popped out of nowhere holding two coffees "Hey I took a quick break, wanna coffee?" 

I jumped up and looked at him "Sure but I need your help" I walked forward heading to the staircase Barry following right beside me. 

When we got to our lab he looked at me "I'm sorry this morning has been stressful, but it will get better I promise" 

I set down a paper and started running test finishing the files. "Barr, it might not get better." 

He sighed and walked to my desk to help run paperwork. "Listen I know it sucks to get here at 7:30 in the morning but we both have a job here. We both have responsibilities. Weather you like it or not-"

I ran over to him in super speed and covered his mouth "Your gonna make me mad" I whispered and ran back over to my testings. 

He didn't say anything after that, he only printed papers and helped organize them. Which was helpful but didn't do much. It was only 9:30(am), but I felt so tired still. 

We both took a break around lunch and got something to eat, even checked on S.T.A.R labs. Everything was quiet it had almost felt somewhat-normal. I mean Jay and Harrison, which Cisco now calls Harry, kept fighting about the smallest things ever. 

Cisco walked over to me grabbing my attention "I need to talk to you" He whispered 

I looked around the cortex and to Barry who was busy working with Caitlin, Harry and Jay just being best friends in a side room. I followed Cisco through the halls to his lab when he picked up the thing that Harry had stole and handed it to me. 

"I figured it out, sense I was busy all these last couple days I kinda put it to the side and forgot about it." He sat in his chair and logged onto the computer "When I remembered it I did some research and it's meant to.. technically take speed"

I looked closer to the device and back at Cisco "are you sure?" 

He nodded "Mercury labs described it as attacking positive tachyon's or particles-"

"That move faster than the speed of light" I finished for him bringing a hand to my head concerned for Harry even being here. "Have you asked him about it?" I asked Cisco holding it in my hand. 

He shook his head and sighed "I thought it was best if I brought it to light first than we would figure our what we would need to do" 

"That's a good idea" I paused "I think we just need to ask him about it, maybe he has a good reason" 

Cisco sucked in a breath of air "Are you sure though, because if you make a mistake and it screws-" 

"It won't, trust me" I walked backward seeing Cisco stand up "Lets go ask" 

He followed me out and back into the cortex. "Harry, what is this?" I held up the small device. 

He rushed over to me and the room got quiet "It- its for.. um tachyon's" 

"Now why would you have any need for this?" I asked him, Barry walked in the room from the med lab and looked at me. 

Harry got quiet and looked at both of us "To.. to help catch zoom and take his speed" 

I looked at Barry not sure if what he was saying was true "Why would you try and hid it then? Are you hiding anything else?"

Harry shook his head and reached for the device in my hand "No, no I have nothing to hid. I'm just a man trying to help a team catch a mass murder" 

I held tightly onto the little thing "I'll hold onto it for now" 

Harry groaned "No I need to mess with it to make sure it was attracts the tachyon's, I need to tweak it for it to work" 

Barry stood next to me watching his moves carefully. 

I thought for a second before slowly handing him the device "You better not lie because if you do, I will find out and I will lock you up" 

He nodded and took the device in his hands, "I'm not" He walked away with it. 

Barry looked down at me "We gotta get back to CCPD" 

I smiled looking up at him "Race you?" 

He nodded "Yes please" 

The day went slowly me and Barry went back to CCPD and worked on some cases. Then there was a meta attack and that didn't last long. But even after that we went back to CCPD trying to catch up. You would think speedster's would be able to be fast enough not to have late cases but you would be wrong. 

"Thea it's already 6:34(pm) are you about done?" Barry walked over to my desk and stood there looking at me. 

I groaned and put my hands to my head "No, no I'm not done. This stupid case keeps going cold and I have to have it turned in by today." 

He bent down and looked at the case "I thought we already did that one"

"Yeah well apparently not because it's not done" I scoffed 

Barry looked at me, a surprised look growing on his face.

I looked up to him "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed out"

He shook his head "No Thea its okay, I just wish there was something more I could do for you" 

My eyes went back to the papers "No, not now there's not anything. Just give me a little more time and I'll be done" 

He rubbed my shoulder before walking back to his desk. 

I kept going, following a small lead on the case. It would be done by the time I left, I knew it would be. 

The day finally ended and I was able to turn in the missing case I had to Singh by the end of the day. I was extremely stressed out but I tried not to complain. Me and Barry ran home setting out stuff down and getting comfy. The sun was setting outside and it was amazing seeing it through the windows. 

I stood in front of it, watching the purple and orange sky fade together slowly into a beautiful pink. The cloud were bumpy and textured just adding to the picture. I crossed my arms just staring at it for a second. 

When Barry appeared next to me looking at the sky "It is amazing isn't it?" He asked me 

I nodded still taking it in "It's crazy we are getting a view like this in town"

His eyes looked down to me, and I looked at him. He had a smile on his face, that gave me a comfort I hadn't seen in a while. 

I stepped closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck, standing on my toes. We didn't speak, but just watched each other. His hands were placed on my back pushing me closer to him. 

"I know it isn't super late, what do you say we watch old movies till we are tired?" I asked him

The smile he had was glued on his face "That sound's perfect" He leaned in and kissed me. 


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