Part 31

10 2 0

Author : Me

Note : This one is a good one I think!

Word count : 1471

Date posted : 4.18.24


"Thea" Barry was shaking my arm again, kneeling on the floor by the bed. "Thea?" He whispered.

I moaned and sat up letting my eyes adjust to the dim light in the room. "What Barry?" I felt so much more energized than when I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

He admired me, with that smile on his face again "Um the game, it's over." 

"What you let me sleep that long?!" I started to get off the bed when he shook his head. 

"Hey, you were tired and you only slept for like a hour maybe two" He tucked  piece of hair behind my ear. "Your so beautiful" He whispered 

I laughed "Your funny" I pulled my feet off the bed to where I was sitting directly in front of him. His gorgeous eyes watching mine. 

"I'm honest Thea Queen" he talked quietly, not gonna lie it was hot. 

I held myself back from blushing. "Come on lets head home"

He stood to his feet and helped me stand to mine, as if I really needed help in the first place. He smiled an excited look on his face, which confused me but I ignored it. He was mostly likely just having a good day and I won't ruin it because I think somethings up. That wouldn't be fair. 

"Lets go" He finally said after staring into my eyes. "Race you?"

That got me excited, especially sense now he was getting faster it would be so much fun. "Yes!" I patted his chest and leaned closer to him "I'll give you a head start" 

He just smiled at me and zoomed out of the room with lighting behind him, making my hair fly all over my face. I gave him like 5 seconds before I did the same, when I caught up to him he picked up more speed. He was faster than normal, almost surprising me a little. But he didn't win, obviously.....

When I got to our apartment, I phased through the door and stopped my speed immediately. Stopping dead in my tracks. The room was lite with candles, making a warm tint glow in the room. There were a lot of candles, lines of them tracing every table, every lamp post, even on the floor! I was almost creep ed out by them till I looked at my feet and saw a rose petal walkway, scattered out in a thick line. The air smelled of a rich vanilla candle my favorite scent. I was confused. Valentines day was in like seven months, so that  can't be it. When it hit me I turned around hearing Barry come in. 

He was standing in front of me with his eyes glimmering from the dim candles. He couldn't stop smiling so he looked at his feet. "Thea..." He looked back at me "I have loved you for three years of my life, I have spent three years of my life with you and you made it so much better" 

My eyes started to water hearing his words, his voice. 

"I wouldn't change a thing about what happened when I woke up in S.T.A.R labs I would check in on you. You didn't know me and you were in a coma but I would sit there with you and wait for you to wake up and I wouldn't change that for a second." His voice was weak, like he was on the verge of tears as well. 

He was purposing. 
Oh My God.
He was purposing.
He was purposing. 

I couldn't control my thoughts, they were all over the place. 

"Thea Queen," He paused and slowly got on one knee "Will you do me the honor.." He paused again reaching in his pocket "And make me the happiest man alive...." Pulling the small box into his hand in front of him. 

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