Part 40

12 0 0

Author : Me 

Note : That GIF is hot but so dramatic 

Word count : 1427

Date posted : 5.5.24


I jumped up "Barry" I was sitting in the med bay, once again. I felt fine so I stood up and took out my IV's. I walked to the cortex door and listened to their conversation. 

"Listen she almost overused her powers, she was pretty weak." Caitlin was talking

Then Cisco "I think it's really cool that she can call the lightning from the sky and everything but even for me talking it's dangerous."

"I'm just glad she's okay" Iris? 

Then Barry's footsteps they were getting louder, heading for the door. I backed up trying to not be hit by the door. When he say me his expression changed, he was worried and happy and so many other. "Why are you up?" He asked shutting the door behind him so we could talk. 

"Because, I woke up. How long have I been out for?" I asked curious if I had been here overnight. 

He looked at me sighing "You have been out for like thirty minutes" 

I sighed in relief "Good because I have to get going" I tried to shut the conversation they were all having in the cortex. I really didn't care for Barry telling me I can't do what I did. "Oh wait did you get Savitar?"  

He shook his head in disappointment "No, and I'm sorry" 

I smiled at him "No it's totally okay" 

He looked almost shameful "Did you hear what everyone was saying in their?" 

I rolled my eyes "Yes I did, and if you are going to tell me not to do it again. Well just hold off, because we both know I'm not going to just stop. I just learned this and it really did hurt him, that means we have a advantage-"

"Thea." He cut me off, from my defending "I know" 

"You know?" I questioned 

"I know, how much you like it..... But Thea you drained your speed and your part of the speed force and it hurt me. You damped my speed." he explained 

 "It will come back, I just need time." 

He nodded "I know, I know" 

He was trying to keep his cool, he was trying not to worry, I could see it on his face. "Barry I'm okay" 

"Thea you aren't!" He pressed his hand to his forehead. "You aren't." He repeated more calmly. 

I looked at the ground. 

"I'm sorry" He apologized "You just, you always just walk it off. But this time you can't just walk it off. Please." 

I watched his worried expression "Fine, but I'm not staying for more than a hour" 

His expression turned softer "Thank you" 

I smiled "I am hungry though." 

"Big belly burger?" He asked smirking

I nodded "Yes please!" 

"Oh my god your up!" Caitlin rushed closer to me "You have to stop taking out these IVs they are actually suppose to help you" She rushed to get a cotton ball and tape. "Are you feeling alright?" 

"Yes Caitlin I feel fine" I walked over to her so she could place the cotton ball on my arm, over my IV puncher. 

After she placed the tape over it, she brought a small flashlight to my eyes. Checking everything to make sure I was okay. "Everything looks normal, but seriously you need rest. You have to let your speed, heal your cells so that you have full power" 

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