Part 20

13 2 0

Author : Me 

Note :This season is gonna be a bit longer than 10 part so, sorry 

Word count : 1342

Date posted : 4.5.24


I grabbed his hand, and looked at him "You ready?" 

He nodded focusing and closing his eyes. 

I did the same, I told myself to do it and I was. Heat traveled through my arm to his, lightening sparking off our arms. I looked down to make sure everything was going as planed and it was. Barry had got his speed back, I felt the speed force in him again. But I decided to charge him up with some more, help him go faster than he every has. 

He started whimpering "Thea it burns" 

I stopped completely and let go of his hand, "Barry, you have your speed back right?" I asked him. 

He looked at me and lifted his arm up, he vibrated it seeing electricity spark off him. "Oh my God, Thea!" He stopped quickly and sped toward me lifting me up in his arms. 

"Barry what are you doing-" 

He crashed his lips against mine, holding me up with his arms. I hadn't kissed anyone sense like seventh grade, and this felt so good. He leaned closer to me, turning his head to get closer to my face. The kiss deepened and I soon felt his tongue in my mouth witch made me pull away in shock.  

He suddenly looked worried "Sorry I didn't mean to take it too far" he set me on my feet

I shook my head "No, no Barr I've just never gotten kissed like that before" 

"Oh" His worry turned into embarrassment "Was it okay?"  

"Yes, yes definitely" I nodded 

"I just love you so much, I have my speed back now because of you." He smiled 

I returned the smile and admired him "I love you" 

After we both got undressed from the funeral that morning, we decided to go out for lunch. We had the whole day to ourselves so, we could do whatever. But in a way to kind of remember Henry we went to his favorite restaurant. It was nice, Barry had a hard time even thinking about it. But when he wasn't thinking about his dad he was happy as ever. I knew that he had to get over him and just face the fact he was gone but I didn't want to ruin his mood by bringing it up. So I didn't. 

Once dinner was done we went to Henry's favorite ice cream place. "Are you liking your cookie dough?" I asked Barry

Who was scarfing down the ice cream like it was his last meal "I love it so much" 

I laughed "You'd better slow down we gotta run home" I told him, knowing he would complain about his stomach hurting. 

He ignored my suggestion and kept eating till he was done with it and he sat back "Henry used to love this place, from what I remember" 

I got quiet listening to him. "Do you know his favorite ice cream flavor?" 

He looked at the ground "Cookie dough" He said quietly

I sighed and sat closer to him "Barr, he was a amazing dad and a amazing person. And even though he didn't deserve to live in iron heights, he did it for you." I traced a circle on his forearm. 

He started to tear up and he leaned his head on mine still looking down, he didn't say anything but I felt him whimper against my shoulder. 

"Barry" I said quietly 

He sniffled and whipped his tears "Yeah Thea?" 

I focused and slowed down time around us. I cupped his face with my hands forcing him to look at me, his face was red and puffy. He looked around us quickly seeing we were in flash time he started to break "I know you tried everything to save him, but Thea I can't help but think this is my fault- I never, never in my right mind ever of given a evil speed-steer my speed. I was stupid to think he would leave us alone" 

I took a second to respond taking it all in "No, your not stupid and it isn't your fault." I tightly grabbed his hand "Barr, I know your dad loved you with all his heart, and he wouldn't want you feeling pain over his death. I didn't really know the guy but it wasn't hard to see that even when he died he wanted you to be happy. Because he was humble and joyful and full of life, and it reminded me of you. I know you were raised by Joe, but Henry played the big role in your life." 

He nodded and hugged me quickly. After a second of the hug he pulled out and looked at me "Thank you" 

I smiled at him watching his expression "Of course, I just want to help you. I know it's all hard" 

"That's very nice of you, and also a big reason I fell in love with you so quickly." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder giving me a half hug. 

I stopped flash time and everything went back to normal. I was just smiling like crazy hearing him say that. My phone went off and I moved to grab it out of my pocket. I read it and looked at Barry "Cisco finished the machine, he say's they are all ready"

"Perfect then let's not wait any longer" He said. 

I stood up and ran to S.T.A.R labs with him following behind me. When we got there Cisco was packing up the van and Harry and Caitlin were getting ready to shut the portals by packing up every machine and every part to make it easier. 

I ran to the cortex grabbing everything I needed super quickly when Harry walked in and started to talk to me "Thea, I need your help" 

I turned from what I was doing and looked at him "With what?" I asked paying attention to his actions

"My daughter was taken by Zoom and I need your help to get her back" he said lowering his voice, 

I was surprised but I thought before I talked back to him " How long Harry?" 

He got quiet "That doesn't matter but when we close all the portals we need to leave the main one open, the one in S.T.A.R labs so that we can use it to travel through" He explained not answering my question

I nodded understanding his idea "But how will I defeat him if I got my ass handed to me last time?" 

"You won't fight him, just think of it as a rescue mission for my daughter" He told me 

I thought to myself, Jay betrayed us what if Harry was doing the same? "What's your daughter's name and how long has she been gone for?" I asked him again

He sighed "Her name is Jessie, and I've known sense I've got here" 

My jaw was nearly on the floor "You've known this whole time?" 

He nodded staying quiet 

"Why didn't you tell us sooner, we could've helped sooner" I believed him he didn't hesitate when he answered me so either he's a damn good liar or it's the truth. 

He shrugged "I figured you guys wouldn't trust me, and hey please don't tell everyone. I hate even thinking of Zoom having my daughter but if you tell everyone they will all know" his voice was quiet. 

I thought staying quiet before nodding my head "Okay, but if this is a trap-"

"It's not I promise, thank you" he seemed truthful and I believed him. 

So after we shut all the portal's, I convinced the team to keep the main one open so that we didn't leave earth two at Zoom's mercy. They all agreed that it would stay open, without doubts. I told Barry about it because I needed somebody to cover me when I worked with Harry to come up with a rescue plan for Jessie. It was quiet busy for the next week. 

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