Part 30

26 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1370

Date posted : 4.17.24


"So uh where would you like to start?" He asked, he was obviously British or from London with the accent.

I swallowed and started to walk up the staircase, he didn't seem mean but very friendly "Um, I'll show you the lab first. It's the furthest room away" 

"Ah, that's just ace" He stayed on my toes, not speaking till I did once again. 

When I finally got to the lab, I was relieved from the broken and awkward silence we had been walking in. "So I am not the only CSI, I have a partner" I opened the sliding door, showing the full small and cramped room. "It used to just be him, but I joined and made everything a little more difficult" 

He smiled at me "I'm sure that isn't even possible" 

Uhmmm...... I kept my thoughts to myself "yeah so over here is my desk" I pointed to my side of the room "And that's B-" 

"Your partners side of the room I assume" He walked to my desk, not caring about what I was saying.

I just followed him "There isn't much to show here, come on I'll show you the rest of the building" I started to turn when Barry walked in with two coffees in his hands. 

One for me and one for him. "Aw thanks Barry" I grabbed the coffee he handed me. 

"Of course Thea" He leaned in a whispered in my ear "Is this the assistant?" He used fingers to quotation on the last word. 

I laughed sarcastically "Yeah, yup it is" 

He took a breath and walked over to him "Hi, my name is Barry Allen I'm a CSI worker here as well" he put his hand out to shake his but Julian didn't respond. 

He just walked closer to me "You were going to show me the building?" He questioned.

Barry put his hand at his side, sipping on his coffee again. Not caring about whatever Julian thought. "I- um, well I was wanting you to met Barry" I fidgeted with my fingers my arms crossed.

He groaned and slightly rolled his eyes "Hello, Julian Albert." He stuck his hand out arrogantly, like he was being forced to do so.

Barry slightly smiled "Barry Allen" He was trying to rub it in his face that he won this battle between them. 

"Great, I'll show you around and Barry you have a couple new files to go through" My  eyes traveled to Julian and Barry. 

Barry nodded and walked to his desk, leaving me and Julian to walk around CCPD. Which I wasn't truly looking forward to, he was quite annoying and gave a lot of a 'pick me boy' or 'spoiled rich British kid' you know, the one that nobody liked.

It took forever showing him the building. I felt like Barry two years ago when he showed me around the building. Kinda sucked. When it was over Julian helped go through my unorganized parts of my desk, the ones that I just throw in a pile. It was weird he didn't even have a desk and he just went straight to helping. 

When the day we finally over, I wanted to go home a sleep. But Barry insisted we go to Joe's house for the football game happening tonight. Apparently it was a huge deal for Barry and Joe so they invited us over. 

It was already dark outside, when we got to Joe's house. It was late, I was so tired and truthfully just wanted to go home but I refuse to complain. "Hi, Thea come on in!" Cecile opened the door for me and Barry. 

I walked into the living room, my shoulders feeling heavy. "I didn't know you were a football fan?"

Joe looked up from his spot on the couch "I'm a huge fan." He glanced at the game and started talking again "Trust me for anyone who grew up in this house loves football" 

Just then there was a couple knocks on the door "That must be Iris!" Cecile told Barry, sitting on the edge of the couch facing the door. 

I looked back and saw Iris walk in by herself and I stood to my feet already walking toward her "Hi Iris" I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. 

She hugged me back with a smile on her face. 

"Where is your.... your date?" I asked trying to be polite or friendly. 

She sighed and smiled again glancing behind me to Barry "Um- actually I'm not talking to him anymore" 

My mouth opened, I felt bad I even brought it up. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sor-"

"No its completely fine, seriously" She lowered her voice "He was no good anyways" She smiled and walked over to the couch sitting on the love seat, near the dinning room. 

I stood next to Barry, seeing him staring at me and I looked confused. "What?" I whispered trying not to disrupt the game. 

He just smiled, blushing like crazy. Not saying a word. 

"Barr" I whispered again, nudging him. But he looked like he was deaf, not even caring what I was saying.

The smile was plastered on his face, like never before. It was adorable. 

After a second I scoffed and turned toward the game. He didn't say a word so I walked and sat on the couch glancing back at him, he was still smiling. I patted the seat next to me and its like a switch went off in his brain he cleared his throat and walked to sit next to me, not losing the smile and redness off his face. He sat on the couch and I got comfortable, leaning on his shoulder to rest my head. I was tired. 

"GO! GO! GO! GO..... GO HES OPEN!" I heard Joe's loud deep voice beside me and I jolted up. Halfway asleep on Barry's shoulder. 

Barry glanced at me smiling still "Are you tired?" He laughed softly

I shook my head and sat up, straightening my back to readjust. "Nope" I smiled to him and planted my elbows on my knees resting my head with my hands. I was tired, but I didn't want to be a bother. They liked football, so I had to like football too. I closed my eyes.

"Thea?" Barry was shaking my arm, and I opened my eyes again looking at him. 

"What, what, what is it?" I rubbed my eyes, the game was still going. "What Barry?" 

He just smiled to me again "You fell asleep, again" 

I shook my head "No I didn't" I whispered 

"Here, come on" He stood up and I thought for sure we were going to go back home. 

I groaned quietly and stood up following him to the staircase. "I won't walk up there, stairs. What are you trying to wake me up?" 

He laughed and picked me up, swooping me in his arms. He held my legs up by the backs of my knees, and one hand was on my back. He looked at me and ran up the staircase using his speed. Before I knew where I was he placed me on a bed, and kissed me. 

I was shocked and confused. But I didn't pull away, I couldn't. He was sitting next to me more or less on the edge of the bed, I was on my back. I felt his tongue fight his way into my mouth and I was shocked on how good it was but it didn't make any sense so I pulled back. I took a couple breaths and started talking again. 

"What.... what was that for?" I asked him 

He couldn't loose his adorable smile "No reason, this is my old room. I know your tired and this bed is the best in the house." 

"Aw thank you Barr" I snuggled under the covers feeling the warmth of my body heat. 

He nodded "Of course, I'll be downstairs watching the game just close your eyes" He kissed my forehead and stood up walking to the door but not leaving. He turned to look at me but didn't say anything rather just blushed and walked out leaving the door open. 

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