Part 28

14 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : Hi! I'm probably going to be taking longer to post because I have a lot going on right  now but I will be posting just not every single day. 

Word count : 1399

Date posted : 4.13.23


"Barry! Please!" I screamed feeling panic rush through my body he was walking closer, but he didn't look like Barry. One side of his face was warped and ruptured on the surface, almost like burns. 

He kept quiet and walked toward me, silently calling all of his amour and mask to flow to him. 

I just turned and ran, I didn't know what was going on but this guy definitely didn't like me. "This isn't you!" 

"You have no idea who I am!" He screamed back with so much anger and pain in his voice

I wanted to hug him but also tell him to stay away from me. I didn't feel safe, I didn't know where I was and I was scared. I kept going speeding up faster and faster getting away from him, but the further I ran the slower I felt. He was running beside me rather than behind me. Which made me jump and loose chorus of the run, I hit the pavement and looked in the dark sky. 

Before it was interrupted by this monster, in a blue and shielded suit and armor. He stood above me "Your more disappointing than I thought!" 

I held my breath and closed my eyes when he stuck his hand threw my chest and I jumped up, falling off the bed. 

It was just a dream. 

My palms burned and my knees ached, it was dark and quiet in the room. My eyes traveled up and I saw my nightstand, I reached out to grab it to help me get up. 

"Thea?" His voice was quiet and scratchy, he had just woken up. "Thea?" That second time he was a lot more scarce with his voice. 

"Barry" I jumped up to my feet, trying not to be embarrassed. "Yeah what's wrong?"

He sighed smiling at me "Did you fall off the bed?" He had this smirk on his face like he was trying to pick on me. 

"Um no, I dropped my earring down there" I pointed under the bed 

He hummed "Ohhhh, okay Thea" He laid on his back again and rubbed his eyes "Do you know what time it is?" 

"It is...." I glanced at the clock "Its 3;29am" I crawled into bed next to him and snuggled to him, my nightmare staying stuck in my head. Was Barry going to turn bad, is this a new villain, or is it just a regular nightmare?

"Hey, are you okay?" He whispered, after a couple minutes of silence. 

I shook my head lightly as if he could see me doing so "I had a nightmare" 

He turned toward me underneath the sheets and looked at me. His face looked exactly like in my dream, the only thing different is his hair and the scar on the side of his face. "I think I heard you  talking to yourself" 

I locked my eyes  to his "You did?" 

He nodded "Yeah, I'm so sorry you had a nightmare but your safe I promise" He leaned in and kissed my forehead. 

I gave him a light smile and shut my eyes again just wanting to forget all about it "Goodnight Barry" 

He pulled me closer to his chest "Goodnight Thea" 

The next couple days were easy, no more crazy scary villains. Expect meta humans at least, but those weren't bad. I had gotten caught up at work, S.T.A.R labs were getting new stuff. And Thanksgiving was actually just tonight. I was so excited. Because I was able to spend thanksgiving with the people that I love and care for so much. The team also said goodbye to Harry and Jessie, and apparently we got a new Harrison Well's. Which is new, I've never met him so I'm excited. But Barry, not so much. He thinks that more and more people know about his identity and it isn't right to tell more people. And I understand that completely but I think we all know we need a Harrison Wells on our team. We have just always worked with one, it was nice to have one in our corner whenever we need him.  

"Hey so are you wanting to go to the Joe's again tonight?" Barry pulled his shirt over his head and walked to the bathroom where I was standing brushing my hair. For speed steers, we can actually look like normal people getting ready in the morning. 

"I don't see a problem in going, what do you say?" My hair was knotted pretty badly, I guess I slept rough last night. I kept tugging at it while he talked. 

"Eh it's not like I don't not want to go, but I don't want to go" He got his toothbrush out and started brushing his teeth. 

I sighed and looked at him finishing off my hair "They are family Barr, and it's thanksgiving" I placed the brush on the counter in front of me. 

He quickly brushed his teeth and rinsed out his mouth "Your right, Joe is throwing a family get together for the holiday" 

"I know he did it last year too" It's crazy to think I've been a thing with Barry for like two and a half years, I guess I never really thought thought of it like that.

He walked back to our room, leaving the bathroom with me searching for clothes in my closest. "You know you gotta stop wearing that to bed" I heard him say from across the room. 

My head shot back he was watching me. I literally wore over sized shirts or his shirts, and shorts to bed. In my opinion it wasn't very attractive. "What are you talking about" 

"It shows off your body, you look so good in it" He finished getting dressed and started on his shoes. 

I just rolled my eyes, what body? "We are going to get coffee right?" I quickly changed the subject, and started changing. 

He was sitting on the bed, his back toward me. "Yeah, just a coffee run before checking in on S.T.A.R labs" He stood up and I finished getting dressed. 

I just grabbed my shoes and put them on. "Race you?" 

He shook his head "Let's take the car" 

"When do we ever take the car?" I asked 

"Umm we are normal people too we should probably act like it" He turned off the bathroom light then the overhead light, the windows providing more than enough light in the room. 

I groaned "Fine, only cuz your kinda right" 

"Kinda?" He sounded hurt

I looked at him, he had a smile on his face. He was being dramatic again. "Fine, your completely right. Race you to the car, your driving." 

When we got to Jitters, it was busy. People were backed up to the door, a bunch of seats were taken. I didn't want to wait in line, but he had a point people had to see we were normal too. Barry stood next to me as the line slowly moved. 

It was boring but I was patient. Barry wasn't the best at doing that though. He kept tapping on my arm, and not saying anything, and tapping on my arm, getting my attention. I closed my eyes, and everything got quiet. 

"Are you doing that?" Barry whispered to me

I looked up, time was still. No one was moving, meta human? I looked around before the person  feared of seeing showed up. It was a man, in a blue and metal suit, super advanced. I had flash backs to the nightmare I had a couple days ago. It was him, I was sort of relived Barry didn't turn into the bad guy, but also scared because in my dream he killed me. 

"Thea, and Barry" The voice growled. 

"Your him." I whispered

Barry looked at me surprised "You know him?" 

"I mean I don-" 

The man disappeared and everything went back to normal. Disappeared into thin air. Just like that. Time wasn't frozen anymore, everyone was moving and I looked at Barry. We had a new problem to deal with.

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