Part 12

13 2 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1563

Date posted : 03.26.24


 The day went on and Zoom didn't make another appearance. Jay showed up and we all figured out they hated each other for some reason. Me and Barry also told Joe about the apartment and he was glad we were finally moving out (joking). It was finally night time and Barry and I had decided to do some late night moving in. We kinda thought it would be fun but we learned that coffee doesn't work as much for speed steers. 

"Thea come sit down and take a break!" Barry yelled sitting on the couch with his feet up.

I scrambled through more box's and set up decorations and pictures. "I can't if I don't finish it tonight I never will!" 

He laughed and looked at me moving fast back and forth box to box. "Babe." Barry said sternly 

I groaned "Nope, I have to finish. But you know it would be great if you could help me finish the kitchen and even the living room next." I smiled to him quickly getting back to work.

Groaning he stood to his feet and started helping me again "You never stop do you?" He asked placing a little lamp on the table. 

I shook my head "Not till I'm done" 

Laughing again he kept going, it wasn't even that late but it took a lot out of us for sure. 

When we finally finished with the whole place, I sat on the couch and looked around me. Everything felt so homey so comfy and peaceful, Barry rushed over to me sitting next to me. 

He looked at me watching me as I looked around the room and a smile grew on his face "Your so beautiful" 

I looked at him my face already red as it could be "Listen Barry I'm wearing a old shirt of your, my hair is so crazy it looks like a ball of chaos above my head-"

"You mean a bun?" He giggled 

I smacked him lightly "I'm saying I look disgusting and you think I'm-"

"Beautiful" He kissed me bringing one of his hands to my cheek. 

It felt so good to finally be done with the apartment, and then be able to sit and have a amazing moment with my one year boyfriend. 

I pulled back from the passionate kiss and stared in his eyes "I am so tired, I'll bet you to bed!" I ran upstairs and quickly got ready for bed doing all my routine's in super speed. 

But when I got to the bedroom Barry was laying patiently waiting for me. He laughed when he saw me "I don't have a whole routine" 

I laid in bed and looked at him "Goodnight Barry Allen, I love you so much" I kissed his lips one last time and turned on my side.

"Goodnight Thea Queen, I love you" He whispered cuddling under the warm heavy blankets. 

It was our first time sleeping in the same bed but it felt right. I closed my eyes, letting the tiredness sink in before I fell asleep with ease.

When I woke up I felt Barry's arms wrapped around my waist holding me close to him. My back to his stomach. The warmth never made me want to leave. I enjoyed a moment of silence feeling his warm breath down my neck with every breath he took. I really did love him, I wouldn't ask for any better. 

I traced his arm with my hand, drawing on his skin. He woke up and took a deep breath before he had even realized what had been happening. "Oh" he started to pull away from me

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