Part 42

11 1 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1309

Date posted : 5.9.24


"Cisco. I need you to find a bomb-" I quickly took my mask off, feeling a sudden wave of panic and fear. 

"A big one" Cisco cut me off still tapping away on the screen. "I was listening." 

Barry stood next to me with his eyes watching me. "Are you okay?" 

"I'm not suppose to die like this, but if we can't find this bomb-" 

"Die?" He questioned talking a step closer to me. 

Shit. He wasn't suppose to know. I bit my tongue trying to come up with a excuse. "I-um.." 

"Thea, what do you mean 'your not suppose to die like this'?" He was scared now, probably matching my level.

"Just forget I said anything." I finished with that and walked to Cisco's desk standing next to him, just wanting Barry to cut it out. 

 He looks at me "Just be honest!"

I took a breath and looked at him, meeting my eyes with him. "Savitar kills me, when I went to the future your future self tells me."

His eyes look at the ground with pain, just like future Barry's. "The future isn't set in stone." His voice is quiet but we can all hear it. 

I want to give him hope, but I don't know how to respond to him. 

"Guys, I'm sorry for interrupting but I found the bomb." Cisco pulls the location up on the screens. 

My eyes look over in the direction, I read the location. "I'm going to take a look at it." I pull my mask over my face quickly and rush out of there. 

I know I didn't have much time left, but I had to see how big this bomb was, I had to know how to get it out of Central City in time. When I got there I realized Barry was right behind me, not wanting to let me go alone. 

I was in a parking garage, but it was confusing. I couldn't find it anywhere. I looked in cars under cars, everywhere, and I couldn't find a thing. "Cisco! I don't see any bombs!" I was panicking, I had maybe five minutes and I didn't even know what I would do once I found the bomb. 

Cisco was quiet over coms for a second but when he spoke he was scared "Guys, it looks like there is multiple bombs in there. You need to find them, fast." 

I looked at Barry, and around me again. "Do you think they are in the walls?" Barry spoke up after being quiet. 

I glanced at the walls in the parking garage, they were cracked and old. "Cisco, do you think they could be in the walls?" 

"Yes." I heard tapping through the coms "Thea, there is one in front of you and Barry to your right!" 

I scanned the wall and phased my hand through the concentrate, pulling out the bomb. It looked older, and I wasn't sure how I was going to turn it off. I placed it on the ground "Cisco I found one, how many more are there?" 

"Looks like a dozen." He said quickly. 

Barry pulled one out and next to mine, they looked identical. "Only ten more to find." My eyes met his panicked ones. 

"Cisco do you think you could breach them, somewhere?" Barry kept searching for bombs as did I. 

It was a second before Cisco spoke up. "I could breach them to a dead earth!" 

I found two, Barry found a couple as well. It wasn't long before we had a dozen bombs in a pile. "Okay come on Cisco, we are almost out of time!" 

I recounted them, making sure we got all of them when Cisco showed up next to me. "Ready?" He asked quickly pulling his hand toward the pile. 

I nodded, glancing at Barry. I watched Cisco open a breach, right beneath them. The bombs fell quickly into the breach, I watched them fall and explode. When they did, Cisco shut the breach and looked at us both. 

"Oh my god, I have never been more stressed." Cisco laughed looking at me and Barry. 

I sighed "Come on we gotta put this Trickster guy in jail." I walked over to Barry and he nodded following me to CCPD. 

I quickly ran to Trickster and pulled cuffs on his wrists. "Hey your plan failed." I told him, almost proud of not dying.  

He sighed "This time." Then followed a laugh, his stupid laugh. 

I pulled him to the cops and ran back inside CCPD to help Barry. But when I got there he had already took of everyone's cuffs and made sure no one was hurt. 

*back at S.T.A.R labs*

"No because when they found the bombs I like-" Cisco was talking to Caitlin but

Barry cut him off "Thea I need to talk to you, in private." 

I looked at him and nodded already knowing this was about my death, the one I just had to bring up. "Sure" I said and we ran to the lounge. 

He was quiet at first. He just looked at me with blank stares. 

"Barry-" I started, breaking the silence.

"How could you lie to me?" He sounded like he was about to cry "For weeks you went on, not telling me my days with you were getting shorter?!" His hands were placed on his head, almost panicky "I can't lose you Thea!" 

The guilt started to set in and I realized how much I messed up. "Barry, I didn't want it to tear you apart." I tried to defend myself but it was useless. 

"This lie Thea, is a bigger deal than my feelings!" He stepped closer to me angry and sad. "I've lost everything, and-" He sighs and looks at the floor cutting himself off, his eyes are teary. 

I look in the dim room around me. "I know your mad and I would be doing the same thing. But you have to try and understand that I don't want you to count down the days you have with me. Barry you already carry the world on your shoulders, I didn't want to add extra weight" 

He finally unglued his eyes off the ground and looks at me. He doesn't speak, but his watered down eyes says it all. "The future isn't set in stone." Those are the only words he says before he walks out the room. 

I want to say I can feel his pain, but I can't imagine how I'd react if I were him. If we switched positioned, I would lose myself. I decided to just head home, I wanted to leave him alone. Give him some time to process this. So that's what I did. 

I was running home, and it didn't take long. When I got there I just put my stuff down and sat on the couch feeling tired and a major headache. It was quiet and peaceful, too peaceful. 

"Thea?" It was Barry's voice. 

I shot to my feet, I wanted to see him. "Barry?" 

He was standing at the door, he had opened the door. Which is unusual, he normally just phases through it like it's nothing. I didn't think anything of it, he might not just be in the mood right now and that was fine. He didn't answer me. 

"Barry, I wanted to give you time to process it." I talked and walked closer to him. "I'm sorry Barr" 

Again he didn't speak. 

"Hey?" I asked him trying to get his attention

He walked forward out of the shadow. "Hi Thea." It was Savitar.

"Savitar, what do you want?" I started and backed up suddenly filled with  fear and adrenaline. 

"Nothing will change your death. So I am here to make sure it stays that way." He grinned at me

Well shit.

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