Part 43

14 1 0

Author : Me 

Note : Sorry if I am being late to posting, with mothers day and everything it is just hard to keep up. Also this one probably sucks so I'm truly sorry. And someone dies in this part....

Word count :1345

Date posted : 5.11.24


He just looked at me, that evil look on his face. "Don't even try to run. You know I'm faster." 

I bite my tongue, "Savitar, I know what you've gone through. I understand why you are angry." 

He just scoffs and laugh. "No. You do not understand what I have went through. You have no idea how hurtful people are to you whenever you do not matter to them." He is talking with anger in his voice. 

"I know that under all that hate and pain, I see my Barry. The one who cares and loves unconditionally-" I started, just trying to clam him down so we could talk. 

"Oh shut up. I am not your Barry." He paused and laughed "It's actually quiet funny, I have his memories, I live his life. But oh we are both so different." He started to walk closer to me and I backed up. 

"Savitar, I don't want to hurt you." I put my hands out. I wasn't even sure I was strong enough to fight him, last time I fought I used lightning. But he could of learned. 

He brushed a hand through his hair, smiling at the comment. "You still think you could hurt me?" 

My back hit the counter top and I flinched. Realizing I was still stepping back from Savitar. "Barry, please this isn't you." I figured if I used his real name he might listen, he might not think of himself as a villain. 

"I am not your Barry." He said sternly. 

I took a breath, trying to figure him out. "Well then why do you hate me so much?" 

He smiled "Your my enemy." 

I hated talking like this to Barry's face. It felt unreal, it felt just wrong. "What did I do that made you hate me so much?" 

His eyes looked at the carpet I stood on. He didn't speak. 

"Please, just tell me. Make me understand." I was trying to reason with him, trying to fix the issue from the start but he wouldn't speak to me.

"But you wouldn't understand." He quickly picked me up off my feet and sped me to the rooftop of our loft. 

I couldn't find a surface under me with my feet, he was holding me up by my neck. "Please.." I clawed at his hands "Just tell me.." 

"You ignore me! My entire life! I was made during Flash's fight with Zoom, the Barry who died saving the multi verse! Ring any bells?" He tightened his grip on my neck. 

I watch him, he has pure rage and pain and belief on his face. "How did you survive...?" I can barley breath at this point but I need to know why I ignore him in the future. 

That dumb smirk reunites on his face. "Everyone always says time heals." 

Just then my Barry appears on the roof, he is running after me trying to get me away from his grip. But he isn't fast enough. Savitar drops me and starts fighting Barry. I watch my vision blur and refocus. I am still on the ground trying to recover when I look over to look at their fight. Savitar is winning. Badly. Barry is just taking the hits lying motionless on the roof.

"No!" I quickly stand up and run over to Barry. Standing between him and Savitar. 

Savitar backs up but only to get ready to take me out as well. 

"Please!" I yell watching him come to a stop and position himself "I am so sorry, that happen to you in the future. But this will mess with the timeline, you might end up killing yourself off!" I wasn't sure if that would happen but I'd always been told from the speed force, the time line is extremely sensitive. "I know there is good in you, you can kill me but please. This is not the option or path to take" 

"What road do I have then?!" He is angry. "I don't have a life, I just have a list of mistakes!" 

"No because you get a second chance to make something of yourself. Don't be the villain everyone suspects you to be!" I feel like I am actually getting through to him, even if it's hard.  

He gets quiet and runs away, in a flash of blue. I quickly look back at Barry, he looks unconscious and the view scares me. I quickly take him to S.T.A.R labs, hopping he is gonna be okay. Cisco is sitting in his office and I bring him to the med lab where Barry sits. "Oh god what the hell?!" He quickly hooks him up to  a machine. 

I stand back as Caitlin rushes into the room. I don't focus on anything. Nothing. I just watch Barry, lie so motionless. I can't help but feel like everything that is happening is my fault. If I would just die Barry might be safe, maybe it would solve everything. If I just went against him. Barry stays still, they back up for a second checking the tv's around them. Placing the pads on his chest again trying to start his heart. His body jumps off the bed as they shock him. I feel my heart shatter, I want him to be okay. With everything in my heart, but my mind is stuck and I can't move anything. They shock him a couple more times, before they step back and look at me. The heart monitor is beeping in a straight high line. He doesn't have a heart beat. 

When I finally get that through my thick skull, I rush over to him. I am stuck again, looking down at him. Feeling defenseless. "Barry?" I place my hands on his cheek "Barry!?" I repeat. The pain is finally sinking in. 

I can feel Cisco and Caitlin watch me with sorrow.

"Hey, hey Barr I really need you back here. Barry." I am talking but so quietly I feel like I can't hear myself. My body feels drunk and empty. "Barry!" I grip his shoulders, lightly shaking him. "Please!" I shake him again, feeling electricity through my fingers onto his chest. 

It all happens so fast. I keep going, I have to. My eyes lay on him. I finally pulled away when he jumped up gasping for air, causing Cisco to yelp and laugh it off quietly. I quickly look at Barry and wrap my arms around his shoulders, I position myself so I am not pulling on him too much. The heart monitor is back to normal, and so is mine. 

"You really have to stop doing that" I whisper, feeling my wet face against his shoulder. 

He chuckles "I don't know what you mean" He is being sarcastic but I hate when his life is put on the line and especially because of me. 

I squeeze him and pull away. "You really scared all of us." 

He looked at Caitlin and Cisco. "Oh, well I apologize for almost dying"

Caitlin and Cisco laugh at that. "I have work to do, so.." Cisco says winking to Barry. 

Caitlin does the same leaving just me and Barry in the room. Barry looks at me and whips my face from the tears. "Did Savitar hurt you at all?" 

I look at him "Not really, you took most the beating" 

"Eh, I'm used to it." He laughs "You know because you beat me up." 

I'm confused but realize he is joking. "Oh yeah of course" I paused "Thank you" 

"For what?" he asked pulling me closer to him. 

I rest my head against his. "For jumping right into danger, for saving me." 

He smiles "It's what I do, Thea." 

I give him a light kiss, and hug him feeling so thankful he is alive. 


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