Part 7

24 2 0

Author : Me

Note :

Word count : 1462

Date posted : 3.21.24


"Barry! Stop it!" I'm laughing trying to squirm away from his grip, for a speed-steer he has a surprisingly strong grip.

He won't let me get away from his evil fingers, so I quickly come up with a plan. I started phasing, but he counteracts the phase doing the exact same thing. 

"Barr!!" I am almost yelling at this point "Barr! Let me go!" I'm squirming all over the place. 

He finally stops and lets me go "Fine, fine" he laughs 

"That's not funny you know I don't like being tickled" I stand to my feet above him, being taller than him for a second. 

He looses all emotion and acts like he is getting in big trouble, his eyes gaze to the floor as he puffs his lips "But how.." he sniffles "How do I not tickle you, when your so ticklish?" Reaching up for my stomach again he grabs me throwing me on the couch he's sitting on, his fingers doing all they can to keep me laughing.

One of his hands are at my neck trying to tickle me there when I see an opportunity and take it. I quickly bite his hand, causing him to come to a stop instantly. He grabs his hand and brings it to his chest, codding it.

I stand up again smiling at him proudly "That is why you never tickle a girl" I run to the Cortex making papers fly up and Cisco groans looking at me.

"Can you not walk down the hallway, you know like a normal person would do?" He's picking up papers off the ground stacking them in piles when Barry runs in, causing all his work with the papers to be flown away. He groans again giving Barry a death look.

But he only glances at Cisco before walking toward me slowly. I get ready to run when Barry runs after me, I run the opposite way going in a circle around the cortex desk. Papers are going literally everywhere but we don't stop. 

Barry finally catches up to me and puts meta cuffs on me "Haha" He laughs

I roll my eyes and Cisco is having a fit "You better clean this up" He is being sarcastic but he sounds serious, his expression matching it as well.

I sit my happy butt down crisscross with my cuffs behind my back "Go ahead Barry clean up your mess"

He smiles and runs around cleaning it up, its so weird seeing him run in super speed watching his lighting when its normally us running fast. 

He stops in front of me and grabs me my cuffs still on. Next thing I know we are in Cisco's workshop causing more papers to fly everywhere. "What are you doing?" I ask

He looks at me and smiles getting close, he doesn't break eye contact as he slides my legs open standing in between them and leans down to my face. His hand meets my jaw and he presses our lips together, I smile against his lips feeling his other arm around my back causing my back to arch. He moves his waist against mine making my breath shake.

Cisco walks in and yells "Guys" 

Barry moves in super-speed and stands beside me. 

"I have to work in here!" He sets the pile of papers on his desk "That is so gross" 

"chill we only kissed" I told him and smiled 

He gives me a 'stfu' kinda look and I walk out of there my hands still behind my back. "You better not speed out of here Barry, I swear" Cisco threatens

Barry laughs and walks out behind me " I won't make you clean up anymore papers today"

It had been a couple months since we locked up the reverse flash, everything was going pretty well. Other than super bad meta-human's, I had a pretty good life with Barry. It was going to be our one year soon and I was extremely excited, no meta could get in the way of that. 

We ended up at our lab on a Sunday afternoon, I decided to clean my side up a little. I was kinda unorganized as a person so I was trying to be better at it. 

It took a while even using my speed but I got it done, Barry helped here and there but he was trying to catch up on some old unsolved cases so I tried not to bother him. My area look a hundred times better after I was done, even Barry was impressed. 

"Thea!" He looked at me "It looks so good" he smiled at me and hugged me "I am so glad you cleaned it up a bit though because it was a mess" 

I nodded and my phone started going crazy, same with Barry's. "Armed robbery at sixth and avenue" I read "its a bank"

We looked at each other and got dressed quickly following the location. When we got there, we both looked around everything was normal. People saw us and started pulling out their phones and rushing toward us. 

"Guys everything looks normal!" I said over comms

Nobody spoke up for a second and I ran over the bank making sure everything was safe and we weren't missing anything. 

"Hey, it must've been a set up because there is a break in at mercury labs right now!" Cisco said 

I looked at Barry and ran out of there to mercury labs. I checked the building with Barry till we ran into somebody. We had fought him before, but he got away from us last time. 

When he made eye contact with us he started walking to us holding his gun up, he wore big bulky armor that was impossible to break through. Which was also extremely powerful, the armor would almost reflect any pressure and he would then be able to use it against you. He was built huge, and not scared of us whatsoever. 

He chuckled "Speedy, Flash. Nice of you to visit" stuffing something in his pocket he walked toward us 

"You don't have to do this, I don't want to hurt you" Barry said and backed up, he looked like he was getting ready to run. 

"Try me Flash" he challenged 

Barry looked at me for a second and ran off, he was going to do a super sonic punch. Though it wouldn't work because it would just cause Barry to get hit. I tried to stop him but he kept going and hit him, causing a whole corruption. 

I stood up after being knocked over by the corruption and looked at Barry who was on the ground, getting up slowly.  

"Now, now that didn't work last time." 

I groaned "Guys, how do we defeat him" 

"I mean, I don't know this guy is different!" Cisco answered tapping on his computer 

I looked around me and had an idea "Cisco, what if I phase him out of the suit?" 

He paused for a second "That, that might work give it a try. But be careful and phase in and out to push him out!" 

Okay, I lined myself up and ran toward him phasing in little bits in and out. Pushing him out of the suit, he fell to the ground in front of it and looked at me grinning. 

Shit. He was still controlling the suit "Cisco, he is controlling the suit what do I do!" 

"I can't hack into the suit, Barry needs to cuff the guy to stop it" Cisco said panicky "That's his power he can control the suit" 

"Okay guys I'm on it!" Barry spoke up on comms

The suit flew through the roof being controlled by the guy. I screamed and held on. Suddenly the suit started to fall, "Guys! I'm falling!" Panic rushed through me 

"Hey Thea don't worry I got you!" Barry said 

I felt the suit fall slower and knew what he was doing, when I was on the ground I phased through and hugged Barry tightly. "Gosh that was scary!" 

He laughed "I'm sure it was, come on let's head back" 

Nodding I followed him as he picked up the guy and put him in the pipeline. Barry shut the door to the pipeline and looked at me taking off his mask, I did the same pulling my hood down. (yes like the green arrows suit) 

He cupped my face with his hands "You didn't die today" He kissed me 

I kissed back "I didn't thanks to you, but maybe next time let's stop and think before using the same move as last time thinking it will work"

He nodded and brought his hands to his side. "Come on, they are probably waiting on us" 

I smiled and followed him to the cortex. 


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