Part 2

70 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : I like this part a lot (wait for the end)

Word count : 1665

Date posted : 3.15.24


A hour passed and Oliver showed. He walked into the room and rushed toward me with his arms open. I smiled and hugged him tightly.

He pulled away and looked at me up and down "How have you been?" 

I nodded "I've been good, I honestly feel like I don't need to be here right now" 

Barry laughed and walked over to Oliver "I told you she was just like you" 

Oliver chuckled and welcomed Barry, they were obviously friends that wasn't hard to tell. Cisco interrupted my thoughts when he walked into the room and saw Oliver.

Oliver looked at Cisco then back at me, I smiled to him "Gosh it feels like its been forever sense I have seen you up" Oliver said 

I turned and nodded my head  "So how is wonderful Starling city?" 

He nodded and swallowed "A lot has happened, sense you left" he looked at Barry and me again "I was gonna ask if you even remember the night of the explosion."

I nodded "All of it I think, I was trying to save this dog that was stuck under this electrical post so I went over there and lifted the pole so the dog could move" I paused "He ran off and I saw the dark matter wave so I ran, but I found myself in a big puddle of water and a broken electrical cord was swinging above the water. I knew what was going to happen, and well next thing I know I'm here ten months later" I shrugged and Barry looked shocked. I looked around the room, Cisco was standing there listening, same with Catiline, and Harrison Wells.

"Huh that is crazy also... amazing" Cisco said and ate another bite of his twizzler. 

Barry looked at me smiling, Oliver spoke up "I'm just glad your okay" 

I nodded "Me too"

Time passed and I was finally able to leave S.T.A.R labs, Oliver unfortunately had to go back to Starling city they needed somebody to protect them with all the craziness down there. Barry took me out for some coffee then we decided to go down to CCPD to get me situated. 

If you didn't know I was a CSI just like Barry and a good one for my town but something brought me to Central city, I loved it here. 

"Hi I'm detective Joe west" He shook my hand and smiled he was friendly and also Barry's adopted dad "I'm glad your recovered from the coma you had" he looked at Barry who was standing with me "You too Barry" 

They laughed and I smiled holding back.

I nodded "It definitely feel's nice to be out here again" 

"That's good oh and I was suppose to tell you the captain wanted a word with you" He whispered, I looked to his office "Don't worry he is all bark and no bite" 

I smiled and walked toward his office. "Captain Singh you wanted to see me?"

He nodded and shook my hand "Yes, it's good to have you here" he paused "Anyway's there is a list of stuff for you to do, and your office is up with Barry. Sense this is your first day I'm sure he will help you get comfy and used to how we do everything down here. Correct me if I'm wrong but you've worked as a CSI ever sense you got out of college at Starling city?"

I nodded "Yes that is correct"

He smiled "I think your gonna be a good fit to the team, just get me if you need anything" with that he sat back down and got back to work.

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