Part 5

36 2 0

Author : Me

Notes : I know this short story is kinda moving fast but I'm trying! Please comment and vote if your reading this!

Word count : 1378

Date posted : 3.19.24


"You know your determination drives me insane?" Harrison looks down at me "Such a shame" He vibrates his hand close to my chest "Not yet though"

I scoff "So you lied to everyone, your the man in yellow you're the one after me..." I started thinking "Why?!" 

He got close to me "because-" he pauses looking at me anger rising on his face 

"because what?!" I yelled 

He appeared closer to me, his eyes glowing red "I need something from you!" He yelled his voice changing. 

I backed myself up as much as I could against the cold concert wall behind me and I held my breath scared for my life. 

He smiled and backed up "Don't make me do something I will regret" 

I just watched him silently as he sped off. I couldn't keep the question out of my head, what was he needing me for?


Barry runs in the cortex in super-speed "Thea, Thea was taken by the man in yellow!" Hes yelling panic rushing through his body. He moved his arms above his head.

"She was taken again?!" Cisco asked tapping vigorously  "I don't know how to track her, we don't have anything on her" 

"Ugh!" Barry groans and starts running around the city searching for me. "Guys, guys I can't find her anywhere!" He is talking through comms "Cisco what do I do?" 

*Back Underground*

I keep thinking to myself, but I just couldn't figure it out. Why would he randomly start doing all this, what does he need me for, and how I would make it out of here alive?

I got on my feet because I was only cuffed not tied up or anything. After a second I started walking, I had no idea where but I just started walking. I looked at the walls seeing some drawing and equations, it looked like kids art which made my body shiver. I walked looking for a latter or anything that could lead to a exit, but there was nothing. 

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard some growling, oh great a animal. I turned and looked around me but it was so hard to see anything. I felt a rush of panic over me, as something thrown me back to the spot I was first. I was in pain but I caught a glimpse of the animal it was a gorilla, before I passed out. 

It was quiet scary because when I woke up I had chains on my ankles and wrists. I couldn't do anything other than think of ways to get out, think of how to get meta cuffs off me. Nothing though. 

I jumped back when Harrison appeared in front of me, "What do you want?" 

He smirked "I want your everything, the thing you took from me" 

I bit my tongue hating him with all of my heart.

He vibrates his hands through my chains and I was released from them. He grabbed my cuffs and looked at me "And I'm getting all of that today" 

We instantly were at the... particle accelerator? Why here? I looked around, but there was nothing. Only a long endless tunnel, and I still didn't have my speed so that was great. 

"Why are we here?!" I yelled at him who was on his little watch thing 

He turned to face me "We are waiting for the perfect moment" 

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