Part 39

8 1 0

Author : Me

Note : I'm open to any tips, or even typos. Just lmk and I'll fix it, or at least I'll try.... :) Also sorry for the short story!

Word count : 1268

Date posted : 5.3.24


"What did you burn your hand, why is it all wrapped up?" Julian walked in not long after me and Barry make it to our office. 

I gave him the worst of my dirty looks I could. "Sure I burnt it" I rolled my eyes and started on a case. 

Barry laughed from his desk, but looked down instantly when Julian looked at him. "What is so funny?" 

"Nothing" I told him and sipped on my warm coffee. 

Julian sat down and started working. Just then police started rushing past the door to the lab, they had weapons and all had amour on.  I stood up watching it and looked at Barry. 

"Hey, what's going on?" I walked toward the door, stopping one of them. 

She looked at me scarcely "Some evil speedster is tearing apart the streets, I just hope Speedy and Flash get there in time" That's all she gave me before running off quickly. 

I looked at Barry scared "Hey Barry can I talk to you in private?" 

He nodded and followed me quickly. I led us as far back so nobody saw us, when we were there he started talking. "Evil speedster?" He changed quick

I did the same "Let's just hope this speedster doesn't do a bunch of damage." I ran out of there and followed the police sirens. 

When we got there, there was this man he was running all around the street. Jumping off cars, tearing up the road. Maybe he was a new speedster. I quickly ran to him and stopped him from his run, but he didn't seem relived he was angry. 

"You!" He screamed and started fighting me "He wants you dead!" He gripped my hands and threw me into the street. 

My back hit the ground and I swear I felt so much pain. I didn't know who Alchemy was or why he wanted me dead. I stood my ground fast, this speedster had some sort of speed force in him but I couldn't tell if it was negative or positive. 

Barry pushed him to the other side of the road using his speed as help. "Hey, you good?" He walked over to me keeping his eye on the speedster. 

I nodded and cleared my throat, not wanting to complain. "I''m fine" I stood up and next to him "He is fast" 

The guy positioned him self on the road right in front of us. I watched him as he ran toward us, I slowed time when I saw his plan. He ran slower and Barry looked at me smirking. I quickly got me and Barry out of his direction, he ran directly into a car and fell on the ground. 

"Listen we aren't trying to hurt you." I walked closer to the man, he was groaning and holding his side on the ground. 

Barry stayed close by me. The man groaned and looked at me. 

"Who wants me dead?" I asked kneeling on my knee right next to him. 

He smirked at me quickly and swept my feet from under me. "Alchemy!" 

I hit the hard ground and managed to get up before he could attack me again. "You don't have to do this!" I backed up quickly watching his expression. 

"You wouldn't understand." He punched me to the ground and Barry started going after him. 

I was still on the ground processing who wanted me dead. I thought Savitar wanted me dead not  this Alchemy guy. I got up quickly and helped Barry take him down, it was easy when there was two of us. I thought I saw humanity in him but there is nothing there to salvage. Something had him in a hold.

Before I could even cuff the speedster, Savitar was standing behind him. He stabbed him through his back, straight at his heart. "No!" I screamed trying to stop him but I soon realized it was too late, I wasn't fast enough. The guy who was stabbed fell to the floor and I looked at Savitar mad. I don't kill, neither does Barry. 

"Why?!" I stepped closer to him "What is your problem?!" I was yelling, not even scared of him. I was just mad. 

He looked down at me and laughed "Never thought you'd be next in line." He spoke low and quiet. 

I smirked at him, knowing his plan but I had one too. I quickly focused and pulled lightning down, I needed more than last time. Because I was going to lock him up, I was going to stop him before he killed me. Quickly doing it, there were bursts of lightning out of the sky I had to cover my eyes with Barry. I didn't want to kill him but it would take more than one lightning bolt to get him down, fully. 

He fell to the ground in front of me, groaning in his suit. "I never expected that from you" He quickly pulled off his mask, he was Barry. His face shape, his hair, his voice, it all matched up. The only thing different was the ugly rash on the side of his face. 

I gapsed after taking a look at it, I backed up and hit Barry behind me. "Who are you?" I asked 

He sighed and breathed heavy "I'm Barry"

"No, no your not." I fought back

He laughed hearing my comments. 

"Why would Barry want to kill me?" I questioned but he didn't answer. 

He just slowly stood on his feet "That's a cool trick you have, the one with the lightning but let me show you one of my tricks." He quickly pulled on his mask, and ran toward me. 

Barry stopped him and pushed him away from me. They landed on the road, fighting constantly both using speed. "Flash!" I called, I hoped he would listen because even though I don't want to admit it. Barry would die, against Savitar. 

He stood by me and Savitar stood in front, "Oh two in one I suppose." He ran after us both, I wasn't able to stop him. He brought us through multiple portals, us just trying not to die. It was scary knowing that Savitar is Barry. It threw me off. We were flung into some water, both at the same time. The water sunk in around us causing panic, I didn't want to drown. 

I reached my hand out, grabbing his suit forearm. I was tapping on it, trying to stop him. Or at least distract him, I just had to do something. Barry looked at me through the  water and started vibrating his body, I did the same. Vibrating through the foot of his armor. He lost his grip and I pushed him back helping Barry up quickly. 

Savitar stood up and I gave him as much lightning as I could feel in the sky. Even though it had almost became a sixth sense it was hard just going on and on. I went till my body was weak. I ended up falling over, extremely dizzy. I looked at him "Get Savitar, I just need a second." 

Barry made sure I was okay before leaving to try to contain Savitar. 

I felt my pain slowly go away and I knew I was passing out. I stayed quiet, and closed my eyes. Letting all the sound sink under my calmness, it was nice. Just me myself and the darkness.  

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