Part 19

16 2 0

Author : Me

Note : Hey! Sorry for the couple days late post, we had a storm and it lasted like through out the night and did some damage so I wasn't able to work on the story. I'll try to keep up with it next time!

Word count : 1572

Date posted : 4.4.24


The next week was easier, I fully healed and started to get back to protecting the City with Flash. Henry, Barry's dad had still been sleeping in our apartment, he just recently told us about him wanting to move away and start a life in Coast City. A brand new life. Barry wasn't a fan of the idea but he understood. Plus Henry wasn't thinking of moving till like a month from now so we all still had time to hang out with him before he left. We found Jay's lair on earth two, we had to go to earth two and scan half the world for people who vibrated at earths one frequency (Caitlin). It was pretty easy, we just had to wait for it to ping and when it did we made a plan. 

Back on earth one, we were all in the Cortex just trying to come up with something to get Zoom. "Guys we can't surprise attack a speed-steer" Barry said 

Cisco groaned again and looked around the room "What else are we supposed to do? Caitlin is still gone, this is our first priority!" 

Joe stepped in "Listen, I know this sucks but we will figure it out" 

Cisco just shut up and I watched it all go down. "We need to know what he want's in order to take him down" I said 

"He want's to be the fastest, he want's more speed" Harry walked in looking around the room. "He want's both of your speed" 

I looked at Barry worried, "That can't happe-" 

"Oh it will happen." Zoom appeared and stood in front of me staring me down. 

I stood my ground "We all know it's you Jay you can drop the act" 

He smirked and took of his mask, he ran somewhere making papers fall. He was back in a instant though, but this time with Caitlin in his grip.  

She looked dirty, wearing the same clothes she had left in. When she saw where she was, relief washed over her worried expression. She looked at Jay behind her and she pulled away trying to get away from his grip. 

"Let her go!" Cisco walked into the room, his hands up ready to use his powers on Zoom. 

"Oh Cisco, your just learning your powers you are useless right now" Jay watched Cisco from the cortex hallway and Cisco dropped his hands. 

I took a breath and looked at Barry and back to Jay "What are you doing here?"

He just smirked at me "I'm here to take you and Barry's speed" 

I shook my head "No thats-" 

"I will do it" Barry cut me off 

My eyes shot to him surprised he would ever say that "No, no Barry you can't do this!" 

Jay smiled again. 

Barry looked at Jay "If I do this, you leave us alone." 

"Deal, Flash" He tilted his head his stupid smirk still stuck on his face. 

I looked at Barry "No, no Barry this isn't going to happen!" 

He stayed calm in front of me "Thea there is no other way"

"There's always another way, always another way Barr. I can't lose the Flash!" My fingers fidgeted with each other not wanting him to do this. 

He placed his hands on my cheek, his eyes nearly watering "I'm doing this for all of us" 

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