Part 9

19 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : I'm trying to keep up with the stories but I am sorry if I miss it a couple times.

Word Count : 1566 

Date posted  : 3.23.24


"Oh guys perfect timing, I got bad news" Cisco said standing at the big desk in the cortex 

I rushed in from the hall looking at the screen, the pipeline was opened not even thirty seconds ago. I looked at Barry as we rushed into the pipeline, seeing Harrison's cell empty. I moved the empty cell and walked into the big tunnel. 

He was opening a time portal. "Barry!" I said and watched Harrison, he was in a glass ball with a time portal open and ready for him to leave.

Barry placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. 

'Don't go'

I listened and stayed put, watching him leave and just get away from our grasp. The time hole shut and I looked at Barry. "Why would we just let him leave?" 

He looked down at me "Thea, something felt right about him leaving. Maybe he's given up, he didn't kill any of us." 

I nodded and shut the pipeline door "Maybe your right" 

He hugged me and ran to the Cortex looking at everyone. 

"Why would you just let him go?" Caitlin watched us 

I looked at Barry "I think it's the right move, here. He didn't harm any of us, maybe he was just trying to get away" He shrugged

I nodded agreeing with him 

"I also think we need to trust Jay, he's not here to hurt us either. " Barry sighed and looked at me. 

I smiled to him being happy he wasn't hung up on not trusting him. 

*A couple minutes later* 

"Okay Jay we are giving you a chance, don't waste it" I unlocked the pipeline. 

He nodded and smiled at me "Thank you" 

"Just don't be dumb" I told him 

We walked to the cortex and everyone was standing around waiting. Cisco and Caitlin greeted him, but Barry stayed back watching him. 

Jay walked over to him and looked at his expression "Run as many test as you need" 

Barry nodded "We will" with that he walked over to the computer as if he had more important things to do. 

The night went on and on, this Zoom guy didn't show and the reverse flash hadn't shown either. Jay stayed in the lounge at S.T.A.R labs and I watched him carefully, Barry doing the same. Once everyone had left and it was just me and Barry, I started talking to him.

"You know Barr, I don't think he's a bad guy" I walked over and sat in front of him

He was fidgeting with his fingers waiting for me to finish my stuff. He sighed and brought his hands to his thighs "Its not about that" He paused looking for the right words "Thea, it's our one year tomorrow"

I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek grabbing his attention to look at me "And you don't seem excited?" 

"No, no!" He sat up and paused "I'm excited and I can't wait but it worries me, the future...'" His fingers started fidgeting again and I grabbed his hand. 

I watched as he looked in my eyes "The future scares you?" 

He nodded tears forming in his eyes "It's like a endless loop, everyday there is a chance I would lose you. Everyday I have to be able to protect everyone I love and If I can't d-"

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