Part 24

16 2 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1268

Date posted : 4.9.24


"So he said he would give you twenty four hours to... what? Get ready to race him" Cisco scoffed

Barry nodded not smiling or showing emotion, he was worried. "He said if I didn't race him, he would..." He trailed off and looked at me.

"He would kill me" I spoke for Barry 

"But your faster than him" Cisco said confidently looking at me. 

"Yea but last time, I nearly died Cisco" I tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, looking at everyone.

Caitlin looked at me then Barry "So where are you racing him, is there a reason behind it all?" 

She had a good point but what they didn't know is I had a vision last night. About the future about why he even is forcing Barry to race, but I wasn't sure if it was true. Sense Hunter hadn't even put out the offer, I thought it was a illegitimate dream. The speed force wasn't in it, and it just slipped my mind with everything that went on this morning.  

"He want's Barry's help to him charge this machine called the Magnetar" I said, not even thinking 

Everyone looked at me with pure shock not knowing how I knew that. I panicked a second and Barry turned to look at me confused. "How do you know that?" 

'Tell them' The familiar voice echoed in my mind. But I didn't want to, I felt like I was admitting to something I hadn't done. I felt guilty for lying to them for so long. 'Tell them Thea'

"Thea?" Cisco asked from his desk "Did you travel to the future?" 

I shook my head, "No, I-" I cut myself off and looked at everyone "You know the speed force?" I paused "How it's a battery for Barry's powers?" 

Cisco nodded "What about the-"

"I'm the reason the speed force is here" I looked at Barry and he gave me a slight smile, he already knew but no one else did. "I don't just use it as a battery, I'm apart of the battery" 

No one talked, Caitlin looked surprised, Cisco the same. "How did you know?" He asked 

"The speed force came to me in a vision, it explains why I can transfer speed, and control lightning, and why I'm faster than Barry" I try to explain, sounding serious "I know it seems like I'm not being honest but I guess you don't have to bealive-"

"That's freaking awesome" Cisco looked at me smiling "So you can like talk to it?" He took a step closer intrigued in the news

I nodded "Yeah I can talk to it"

He covered his mouth, "That explains why every time you get hurt every other speedsters powers weaken."


Caitlin walked closer looking at Barry "You already knew?" She asked 

He just smiled "Yeah, it's crazy isn't it?" 

"Now we can actually train your power!" Cisco was over the top excited, not at all what I expected from either of them.

I just smiled with relief, so thankful they weren't mad.  "We need to train Barry right now though, he only has twenty three more hours to beat the speedster that's faster than him."

Cisco shook off his thoughts and walked back to the desk "You said you can transfer speed, right?" 

Barry looked at me with an idea but his expression changed instantly "See we thought we could do that too, when she gave me my powers back. But it started to hurt, like it was burning my cells hurt." he explained 

I nodded "Yeah, last time I only gave his speed back. I didn't charge him like a battery" I told him

"Wait, Barry told us he just got them back over night" he acted hurt "So she gave them to you" he sighed trying to understand. 

"Yeah sorry about that" Barry told Cisco

"Why don't we make a tiny device and fill it up with Thea's speed, and put it on Barry's suit." Caitlin said 

I looked at her "that's a good idea, but we should probably hurry. We have one day to make this tiny device."

"Wait, wait, wait tell us more about this 'Magnetar' you know about" Barry said grabbing everyone's attention on this one topic.

I sighed "The magentar is a large device that can- well it will destroy every other earth in the multiverse if it's charged correctly, with two speed steers and their speed." 

"Now why the hell would he want to get rid of every earth but this one?" Harry walks into the room with anger forwarding every step he takes.

"I don't know, maybe he wan'ts to rule over one final earth but I have no idea" I looked at him, I understand he is worried about losing his earth but it doesn't help us right now. 

"Well what else happens in the vision thing?" Barry is stressed again, that isn't hard to tell.

I turned to look at him "Well, Barr you create a time remnant and you defeat him" I wanna take it back right as I say it. We aren't suppose to mess with the timeline, the voice didn't stop me. I'm guessing it's okay, but it scared me for a second.

Cisco and Caitlin just watch me, as Harry does the same. "That's extremely helpful" Harry says and walks to one of the side labs in the cortex. 

I just look at Barry, his expression is speechless. "Your amazing" He whispers a big smile plastered on his face. 

I just smile at him "Your the one that takes down the bad guy" 

Before I know what's going on I'm being picked up by him, while he's running in super speed being rushed down the hall. I hold my breath and close my eyes and he sets me back on my feet. 

I look at him confused "What are we doing in the S.T.A.R archives?-"

He crashes his lips to mine and gently places one hand at my jaw. I kiss him back enjoying this moment, more than anything. The kiss becomes a make out.

But he pulls away from it and looks at me "I don't even know why I brought you down here" 

"Oh" I act confused and look around the dark room "I wonder why you brought me down here, just to kiss me right?" 

He nods "I just didn't wanna... you know make out with you in front of all of them." 

Something felt off though, he seemed scared. "Hey can you be completely honest with me if I ask you a question?" 

He nods again 

"What's going on, you seem... I don't know like something's bothering you" 

I hear him sigh and he scrunches his eye brows looking at me "What if I can't keep you safe, what if I lose the race and all the earths die, and then you do to." He pauses looking at his shoes like they suddenly became interesting "Thea I can't lose anyone else" 

He was tired and weak, I felt awful for him. He would always carry the world on his shoulders but now all of the worlds will actually be on them. "Barr" I pull his attention to me "You won't lose anyone else"

"How could you possibly know that Thea" His voice quieted and he started to cry but held it back

"Barry you have to trust me" I wrapped my arms around him hugging him tightly "Time, is on our side Barry Allen" 

He hugged me back and laid his head against mine. He was tired of losing everyone he loved and I understood it completely. This was going to be a stressful twenty four hours.

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