Part 18

11 2 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1417

Date posted : 4.1.24


*a couple day's after Caitlin was taken*

"Thea, my dad just got out of prison." Barry looked slid his phone in his pocket with one hand covering his mouth. 

"No way!" I paused "How?"

He shrugged "It says the reason is 'Evidence brought to court' but I didn't do anything" 

I smiled "That is amazing Barr, you'll finally get your dad back!" 

"Why the hell are you both so happy right now?" Cisco walked in the cortex with a machine in his hand "We just lost Caitlin, and you are both just standing here?" He was angry, mostly just stressed and me and Barry both understood that.  

I sighed and looked at Barry who put his phone away "Have you started on the portal closer, thingy's?-" I asked him 

"Yeah no thanks to your help, for some reason Harry started helping me. He wasn't just throwing things at me he was helping me. I can't even find any friends that would volunteer to do that!" Cisco said as he rampaged through some boxes which were sitting on the floor. 

"Listen man we are sorry but we are doing everything to try and track her down" Barry looked at the scans on our tv's

Cisco scoffed and stood up to look at Barry "Have you even searched the city yet?" 

Barry nodded "I have five times, the whole city. Cisco I'm sorry, I know this is important but there isn't much else we can do"

I thought to myself as they kept fighting, "Guys if Zoom lived on earth two and he travels there and back every time, don't you think that maybe Caitlin isn't even on our earth?" 

Harry walked in the room agreeing with me "She's right, I should've thought of it before "Zoom has a lair on my earth, now I'm not a hundred percent where it would be but I have some idea"

Cisco smiled to me and walked to Harry "Let's work on that idea then" 

Harry and Cisco walked back to his workshop leaving me and Barry alone again "Hey Barr I know I'm not fully healed yet but I can walk now, so I'm going to head to CCPD and catch up on some of my stuff-"

"No, no come on Thea. You know how dangerous that is" He fought 

"Barry, I can stand up. It has been a week." I hoped and prayed he listened because I had a crazy amount of things to do. 

"Thea your using a weird looking crutch, and you think people won't notice?" He saw my begging eyes and groaned "Fine but no speed."

I smiled and hugged him loosely. "Are you gonna go pick your dad up?" 

He got excited "Yeah I definitely am" 

After I had got ready I headed to the door to be stopped by Cisco. 

"Thea, this isn't safe. Plus I need you here helping us with Caitlin." He had dark circles under his eyes

I turned to look at him "I have a lot of stuff at CCPD, I haven't been there in a week Cisco-" He cut me off 

"Why are you so desperate to leave? You got your ass handed to you by Zoom and you just wanna walk out on the streets again?" He asked raising his voice as it filled with anger. 

That hurt I think a little more than it should've. I just wanted to get out honestly after what Zoom said to me I did feel weak and I hated when people were right. I wanted to prove to Jay that I'm stronger than he thinks I am, even if that means walking to work with a crutch. Plus I needed a distraction because if I sat all bottled up in S.T.A.R labs for much longer I would crack. "Cisco-"

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