Part 29

10 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1442

Date posted : 4.15.23


"So he just disappeared?" Caitlin asked, worried about this new threat. We were at S.T.A.R labs now talking to Cisco and Caitlin about what happened at Jitters.  

I nodded "Yeah he seriously disappeared it was so weird." 

"What did he say to you guys?" Cisco was talking now

I looked at Barry "He just said our names, like we were about to have a conversation" Barry told him

I agreed with him "Do you think we could try to find him?" 

Cisco walked over to the desk and started tapping on it "I don't think we can do that, I mean we don't even have anything to track this guy with." 

I groaned "We never get a break" I left the room using my speed and going to the time vault thinking Gideon would help us. "Gideon?" 

"Yes Thea, how may I assist you today?" She was AI and Barry would end up creating her in the future. 

I was desperate but I didn't even know what to ask her "Show me newspapers from the future within this weeks dates" 

She nodded and disappeared showing the newspapers on the hologram. I read through them looking at headlines. 

Appearance of Alchemy 
Couple vanishes at waterfront and mysterious corpses arrive in their place. 

"Thea?" Barry walked in to the vault "Hey what's wrong? You just ran out of there, I was worried." 

I sighed and turned to look at him leaning on the tall column "Why can't we have a normal life, one where there isn't all this chaos and disruption all the damn time." 

He walked closer to me and leaned on the wall watching my expression "What are you saying?"

"What about us?" I lowered my voice as if I was scared to say it 

"Us?" He questioned suddenly worried about the topic.

"What about us. Why is it so hard!" I realized my anger, and I wasn't familiar with it. Maybe I just have so much I want to do in my life but I can't ever do it because of this life-time job? 

He stood up straight taking a couple steps closer to me, till he held my hands grabbing my attention. "Thea I know you didn't technically sign up for this, and I completely understand what you are saying. I have wanted to explore things with you and enjoy life with you and being Flash takes that away and I know that"

I squeezed his hands he understood me. 

"I'm so sorry for that, but how about after we get out of this threat we will take a break. Disclose ourselves from the city the team even, just take like a week off." 

I shook my head knowing that wouldn't work "Hey I like your idea's but with meta's in this city and our job Barr we can't just leave" 

His eyes traveled down to his shoes and he slightly pulled me in to hug him "Well then we are going to have to find a way to do everything we ever wanted and try to make it work with our life schedules" 

I nodded against his chest hearing his heartbeat. He was right our lives were never going to be normal, so we would have to find a way to live with it one way or another. "Let's start." 

"Start, what?" He questioned 

I pulled away from the hug to look at him. "Let's start living, let's make dumb decisions, let's travel to the mountains, lets get drunk on a Saturday night. We are in our early twenty's Barry, I want to live like it. Let's start living our life." I watched his expression he wanted it too, but it was risky. Leaving our city the one we need to protect to do what we want, it feels right and wrong at the same time. 

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