Part 27(S3)

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Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 130

Date posted : 4.12.24


"Thea..." he quickly wrapped his arms around my shoulders hugging me tightly. 

I accepted the hug, I almost thought I was going to loose him "You know that was smart" 

"The time remnant?" 

I nodded still held against his chest "Yeah"

"Yeah well your the one who told me how it ended" He kissed the top of my head and squeezed my body one more time before pulling away. He looked at me with so much love in his eyes, like a fire it just spread across his face taking over any sad emotions. 

I broke the silence "You know we should probably head back" I looked behind me seeing Cisco disappear into his breach.

I heard Barry chuckle and I looked back at him smiling "Yeah, I actually have a really busy day at CCPD today and you do too." He told me tucking a strand of dangling hair behind my ear.

I groaned "Fine. But first let's check up on team flash." I stepped away from him getting ready to run toward S.T.A.R labs. 

He nodded and ran to S.T.A.R labs with me. When we got there everyone was scattered acroos the building, Caitlin in her office, Cisco in his lab, we actually ran into Harry and he stopped to talk to us. 

"So um, thanks to you guys I'm thinking about maybe moving back to my earth. Where I dedicated my life to, because there is no longer a evil bad speed steer trying to kill us." He stopped by the elevator watching our expression closely.

I sucked in a breath of air, this team always had a Harrison Wells I don't know I guess it would be weird with out one. My eyes went to Barrys and I nodded "Yeah that makes sense, I'm glad you can get back to your normal life."

Barry agreed with me "Yeah me too" 

Harry gave us a slight smile, one I hadn't seen in a while. "I'm so glad you both agree with me, I didn't want to hurt your feelings by just leaving after begging for help" 

I shrugged "Yeah, you came to us for help. But you have a life and you want to get back to it and me and Barry completely understand that situation" 

He wasn't worried anymore, relief washed over his face and he turned and started walking before I heard his voice again "It's just going to be hard to have Jessie agree with me" 

I watched him walk down the hall and I looked at Barry "What do you think the team will think?" 

He groaned and rubbed at his eyes, he was tired. "I don't know how they will take it." 

After a couple seconds of silence I cleared my throat "Come on pretty boy" I walked toward the cortex and I knew he cringed at that nickname.

"Pretty boy?" He asked quietly.

When I made my way into the cortex, nothing was happening it was quiet for once. Everything was over, at least for now. Zoom was gone, the Reverse Flash was gone, we didn't have anything big to go against for once and it was nice. 

Cisco walked in interrupting my thoughts. "Anyone want some lunch?!" His voice was raised so even Caitlin in the med lab could hear him.

I lifted my watch it was one 10;44(am). I turned to look at him "Cisco, it is only like eleven in the morning" 

Barry laughed and stood next to me "I could go for some early lunch" 

Cisco looked at him smiling "MY MAN!" He quickly high fived him in front of me. 

I had to step back to not be hit in the face. I nodded "Okay Barr I'm going to CCPD" 

He looked at me sad "What why?!" 

"Barry your the one who said you had a bunch of work to do, well I have work too." I was being dramatic, I will admit it. 

Barry just watched me I was trying to tell him through my eyes that I just wanted to go, and not have to hang around S.T.A.R labs. But when he realized that his expression changed to confused. "Is something wrong?" He asked me, keeping his voice quiet.

I shook my head "No, I'm going to CCPD just met me there when you are done" I wasn't trying to be mean, I didn't feel hurt or offended in any way but I was being kinda rude and maybe it was just because I was tired and it was still in the morning. Who knows anymore? 

I ran out of the room not saying anything else to him and going to my lab, I worked for at least twenty minutes until Barry showed up at my desk. He sent papers flying with his super speed. "Hey, what are you up to?" He was happy 

I groaned and picked up the papers I was working on, till he disorganized them. His stupid super speed, can he not just walk in like a normal person? Gosh even my thoughts were being rude. I had to stop, I didn't know what was going on or why I was acting like this. "A case, a couple of cases actually I'm so backed up it is crazy."  

He nodded and handed me a coffee he hid behind his back "Your favorite for my favorite person"

He stuck his hand out for me to grab it when I did, he placed it on my desk and kissed my check. Making me blush like a crazy person. "I love you" 

"I love you more" He walked to his desk sitting in his chair getting to work as well "Once I'm done, I'll help you finish yours as well. Then we can go home early and relax." 

I smiled "That sounds amazing, lets pray for no more meta attacks today" 

He agreed with me by humming and got to work on his computer. 

Time passed, about two hours maybe. He got done and helped me and we were out of there. It was quiet enjoyable to actually get everything done on time, so that you didn't have to worry about it again. Anyways after work it was like one in the afternoon, so we both went home took a little nap and when night came. It was family game night at the Joe's house. 

When we arrived at his house Barry opened the door for me not even bothering to knock. I was in a much better mode with some more sleep in me. Everyone came, Caitlin, Cisco, Iris, Iris's boyfriend his name was Noah I think, Harry, Jessie, even Joe's girlfriend were there, it was quiet interesting meeting the whole family and everyone who was close to them. I never really got to know any of them, always being so rushed with being speedy. Well I had really only stuck with the friends I had when I became her, I never really had time for anything else with work and protecting the city from metas and evil speed steers. 

"You want a drink?" A short darker lady asked me walking over, this was Cecile. Joe's girlfriend, I recognized her from the description Barry told me on the way over. 

I smiled at her "You know what that sounds amazing right now" 

She chuckled quietly and lifted up the plate with glass bottles of champagne, when I downed the first one I just loved it. I hadn't had a drink in a while so being able to relax was nice. "Woah busy day?" She asked, I almost forgot she was there and I looked down. 

I nodded and smiled again trying to be friendly "Super busy." 

The night went on nicely, no metas, no evil speed steers crashed the party. Just a couple family friends enjoying a night. Game night.

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