Part 17

16 2 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count : 1624

Date posted : 3.31.24


"Am I pulling too tightly?" Iris asked me, braiding my hair in two simple french braids 

"No, no Iris your not. Trust me I have a tough head, you don't have to worry about it hurting me" I told her. 

She was nice and a good friend but so much had happened we weren't ever really close. "Hey Thea, I couldn't help but notice... how your acting. Are you feeling okay?" She said slowly

I stayed quiet for a moment holding my breath "I feel okay, I mean this whole thing has been hard. But I'm getting through it, right?" 

She kept pulling, tightly tugging at my hair "Yeah I guess," she paused and a awkward silence hung in the room. 

It lasted for a couple minutes before I spoke up "Honestly, I'm so stressed out" I kept talking to her feeling like she was really listening "Everyone, looks at me differently. Everyone wants to treat me differently and I hate it. I can't stand when people think I'm weak for losing one battle." 

Iris tied up one side and started on another "I think everyone is worried-" 

I cut her off "I know and that's what bothers me so much. Like it's so weird I know but I don't need people to suck up to me to try and make me feel better." 

She just sighed, slowly talking again "I understand what your saying, but Thea you did put up a risky fight out there and it was scary for us as it was for you. Now maybe not to an extent but we felt just as much panic and fear when Zoom rushed into the room holding you up, bloody, and broken by your wrists." She paused "Your not weak, but that was scary as hell for all of us." 

I understood every word she was saying but I didn't want to listen to it. I forced myself to stay quiet so I would. "You know your probably right, I know how scary it would be. I guess I just- I never thought of it like that"

She finished off my hair and looked at me "You'll pull through, your strong" 

I smiled at her "Thank you" 

She hugged me lightly, "I'm always going to be here for you" 

It felt nice with her, almost felt like a new friend "It mean's a lot thanks again Iris" 

Pulling away she smiled to me and walked to the big cortex desk and started working on what she needed to get done. 

I looked to the cortex hallway hearing Oliver's loud footsteps. When he saw me he looked even more worried "Thea" 

I smiled at him weakly seeing him rush over to me "Hi Ollie" 

He quickly wrapped his arms around mine bending down to do so. "Barry told me what happened and I'm so sorry" 

I pulled out of the hug and he stood up in front of me. I looked up at him thinking about what Iris had just talked to me about. "It's okay" I shrugged 

He chuckled "You better be taking it easy or your coming back to Starling City" 

I just rolled my eyes "Not happening" 

Barry walked over and stood next to Oliver  "Hi Oliver!"

They welcomed each other and Barry looked back to me.

He watched me "Do you guys maybe want a coffee or something?" 

I shrugged and looked at him, I could tell he wanted to be helpful. "Actually that would be great"

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