Part 38

6 1 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1414

Date posted : 5.1.24


"Thea?" Barry was standing there. 

I was back in my office at CCPD. I was back to my own time. "Barry." I talked quietly. 

He stumbled his words but rushed over to me. "Thea, I- how- did he hurt you, where did he go?" he was scared for me. 

I shushed him trying to calm him down. "I'm fine." 

"Savitar he took you for like a second and now your back?" He questioned me "I'm confused did he just drop you back off?" 

"Barry." I got stern with my words "He took me to the future, I was in the future for two days" 

He got quiet, his questioned finally shushed. 

"He hurt me a little but I'm fine." I admitted not wanting him to worry. 

He looked at me silently. 

"But hey, I figured out that lightning can hurt him" I smiled at him 

He nodded agreeing with me "That's amazing, did you learn anything else?" 

I bite my lip, telling myself not to bring up my death. "Nope, that's it." I think to myself and start talking again "I gotta get to work, as do you so I'm gonna get started." I walk around to my side of the desk and sit down logging into my computer. I had a lot to do. 

When lunch came around so did Julian. "Oh you guy's are finally here." 

I scoffed and set my eyes on him. "We have been here all morning, where have you been?" 

He looked at Barry then me. He didn't answer my question but set his things down and started helping me, taking some of the files next to me. Again it got quiet, nothing big happened it was just a normal day at work.

Cold air ran up my arm, and I jolted up. I fell asleep, I looked around the room. I was still in my office, Barry was looking at me from his desk. "I thought I heard you sleeping" He smiled and got back to work "I was going to wake you once I was done" 

It was dark outside, night time. "Barry why did you let me fall asleep?" 

He typed some things in his computer "You were tired" I saw him shrug.

"How long have I been out?" I asked him rubbing my eyes

He sighed "Ever sense Julian left, which was like an hour ago." 

"Barry" I groaned, I stretched my arms above my head.

He looked at me "Yes?" I never understood how he was always wide awake. 

I looked at my pile of papers, but they were gone. "Um what happened to my little pile, I know I still had a bunch to do." 

He hummed "I might have taken them" He talked quiet. 

I straightened my back resting on my chair "I thought I told you to stop doing that." 

I heard him laugh a little, and start cleaning up his desk. "I still have a little bit to do but I got most of it done" 

I watched him stand up and grab his bag, throwing it over his shoulder. I did the same, getting my stuff together "Well thanks Barr" 

He smiled "Of course, are you ready to go?" 

I stood to my feet "Yup, I'm going straight to bed when we get home." 

He started to run and I followed him, going straight to the apartment. I was so excited for bed. 

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