Part 6

27 2 0

Author : Me 

Notes : 

Word count : 1346

Date posted : 3.20.24


"Oh fuck, forget I even said that" I looked at Cisco 

He was fan boying so bad "So the multi millionaire who is also a superhero who is also know as the green arrow in starling city." 

Oliver looked at me "Com'on" he shrugged at me and walked out of the room. 

Barry walked to me "That was kinda mean?"

I nodded "I didn't mean to" I looked up to him "I feel awful" 

He hugged me wrapping his arm around my shoulder "They would've had to know eventually"I hugged him clinging to his clothes "Come on we have to get ready for Harrison" 

And that's what we did and we had at least thirty minutes before he came back and when he did we were ready. 

"You won't win" I watched myself or my speed mirage back up and lured him into the machine.

He fought back "Really?" 

I watched as she pushed the button on the keypad. "not this time Harrison" 

He smirked and stepped through the barrier "You thought some Barrier could hold me?" 

I watched as he strangled her and vibrated his hand through her chest. I couldn't move, I was in the time vault with Barry watching the cameras. I didn't know what to do I was shocked the plan didn't work.

Next thing I know the reverse flash is running throughout the lab looking for me "Thea, just give yourself up and stop being so scared!" He yelled staring into a camera. 

I looked at Barry panicky, "Barry..." 

He suddenly appeared in the time vault walking to me, when Barry stopped him. "Harrison you know this isn't right, why are you doing this?"

"I don't have to explain anything to you" He started walking to me again 

I looked at him "if you want me so bad your gonna have to catch me first" I challenged 

He put his mask on his eyes turning red. I raced out and watched as he followed behind me, I ran around S.T.A.R labs not knowing the plan. "Guys!" I yelled "Barry and Oliver meet me outside in front of S.T.A.R labs!"

"Alright" Oliver said "we are coming hold him off" 

And I did when they finally got outside I stood next to them, with Harrison standing in front of us three. "You guys think you can stop me?" he laughed

The green arrow nodded and shot a arrow at him, he caught it but it exploded causing him to fall down "I think we can if we want to" Barry told him walking closer.

Harrison got up quickly and started running in a tight circle, he was throwing lightning. Quickly I started doing the same, he threw his at Barry but I jumped in front of him taking the hit for him. 

I got up weakly and Barry helped me up, I smiled. 

Oliver was fighting him alone, I ran over to Harrison and super punched him to the ground. Sense he was occupied with Oliver he didn't even see me. He didn't stay down for long though next thing I know he's holding me against the concert wall, I looked at the reverse flash. 

Barry threw his lightning at him but he catches the rod and sticks in through my chest, my body starts shutting down I can feel as I weaken. The reverse flash's eyes start flickering red, his lighting slowing. Suddenly Barry pushes him off me and starts fighting him. 

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