Part 45

15 1 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word Count : 1208

Date posted : 5.15.24


I open my eyes, seeing the sunlight from the window glaring in. Last night was just amazing I wasn't even sure if it was a dream or not. After we had showered and cleaned ourselves off, we just went straight to bed. We were both so tired. I looked to Barry's side of the bed seeing him not there, just a bunch of sheets taking his place. I soon realize the pain through out my body, I am sore. I feel around the bed as if he was invisible. When I am certain he isn't there, I push myself onto my elbows looking around the room. Our clothes from last night sprawled out everywhere, on the couch, the end of the bed, the dresser, and the floor. So no dream, it actually happened. 

I force myself off the comforts of my bed, under my sheets. I quickly make sure I am dressed, and I throw my hair in a messy bun. My body aches but I push past it and walk down stairs trying to find him. "Barry?" I say mostly under my breath like I said it to myself. The room smells of food, eggs, bacon, and pancakes...? 

When I finally get to the bottom of the stairs I look into the kitchen seeing Barry. He was shirtless with some shorts on. He looked amazing. I walked to where he was, not saying a thing to see how long it would take before he noticed me. He was cleaning up, putting the dishes in the sink and rinsing them off. 

I looked at the set table, flowers and plates all set up. Looking back to the kitchen where Barry stood with his back toward me. Just doing the dishes. I run over to him and stand behind him, without thinking I wrap my arms around his stomach and just listen to his breathing. 

He jumps a little but turns off the water and holds my hands for a second. "Good morning" He says in a quiet and sweet tone. 

I feel so happy. "Good morning" I repeat. 

He swiftly pulls my arms away from his waist and turns around to face me. His hands grab my waist and slowly set me on the table, but not lust-like. It felt so honest and true. The backs of my legs are freezing from the counter but I ignore it. He just hugs me, so tightly. His arms around my waist him head resting on my shoulder. He is freaking adorable. 

"Hey, Barry are you good?" I rub his back feeling him relax under my touch. 

He buries his face in my neck, leaving a small trail of kisses. My body tingles, and I hear him groan against my skin. When he does that it tickles and I laugh. "I'm better than good." he admits and I bite my tongue feeling tingles through my back. I try to not make a big deal of it. 

I lightly scratch his back, "Me too, last night was something.." I trail of thinking of everything that went down last night. 

"It was defiantly something." He agrees, I feel his warm breath trickle down my collarbone. "Oh hey, I kept thinking about the marriage date" 

I nod and pull away from the hug looking at him "What date are you thinking?" 

"Um, two months from now.." He speaks slowly as if trying to convince me "And I don't want anything big" 

I smile "Two months sound great, and I totally agree about the small wedding." 

He helps me off the counter and we eat our food, and get to CCPD. Singh calls us both in his office immediately to 'talk' to us about something. I am a little panicked about it but he doesn't seem mad. 

"Shut my door please." He stood behind his desk, looking at Barry walking in behind me. 

I heard the sternness in his voice and I look back at Barry to make sure he was going to shut the door. I stand in front of his desk, in front of one of the seats there. Barry joins me just a second later. 

"You guys can sit." He leans back in his chair with a worried expression on his face. 

I can't help myself but feel like I did something, something bad. I feel guilty of nothing, and I mostly wonder if Barry feels the same way. I watch his expressions closely. 

He sighs and looks at both of us. "Juliet Albert, he had a talk with me" 

When his name came out of his mouth, I knew it was nothing good. "About what?" I asked 

His eyes went back to Barry's. The tension in the room growing as he sat silent. "He is trying to get you off the team." Singh's eyes lock onto Barry's.

"What, why the hell-" Barry was angry, Julian was always mean to him, and now he want's Barry off the team completely? 

"That can't be aloud." I cut Barry off before he said anything he would regret. "Does he have any right to do that, at all?" I keep my tone down, trying to ease down Barry's anger. 

A sigh comes from his lips again and he nods slowly. "Barry, you have missed so many days of work and Julian is catching onto that." Singh explains, not trying to get onto him. 

Barry stands up furious and goes to the back of his chair. "but I always-" 

"You always get your work down." Singh finishes for him nodding. "I know, trust me I don't like all this drama any more than you do. I know your a good CSI, that is why I never brought it up. But with Julian's passion to get you off the team, it worries me."  

I watch Barry, he is worried and angry. He loves working this job as a CSI it makes him feel useful as if he doesn't already carry the world on his shoulders everyday. "So what can we even do about this?" Barry ask's, his voice low and scrachty. 

Singh looks at his desk, empty of answers. "I don't know." He admits,looking at me "Do you have any plan, youv'e come up wit?" 

I shake my head "The only thing I am thinking is if I just try to talk to him, he might listen to me." 

He nods sitting behind his desk, "Try to show up more with Julian around, and stay out of trouble." 

Barry is squeezing the back of the chair now, his knuckles turning white. He stays silent and to himself. I stand from my chair "Thank you" 

He nods sipping his coffee. "of course, you guys are my favorite." He looks down at some files on his desk. 

I walk to Barry and grab his attention. He looks so panicked and worried. I don't say anything but just motion toward the door. He understands what I am saying and nods starting to walk toward the door, when Singh says one more thing. "Also congrats on the proposal Allen" He smiles at me. 

Barry waves giving him a 'thank you' look. We walk out of the room and to the lab. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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