Part 41

12 1 0

Author : Me

Note : 

Word count :1524

Date posted : 5.7.25


"Oh my gosh I'm so sore from being shot at by Cisco" I groaned and placed my bag on the ground in our apartment. We had trained all night for at least hours on end. 

Barry laughed "I thought you told him it was easy?" 

I shushed him and laid down on the couch. I wanted him to sit next to me so we could just enjoy the rest of the night but instead he was turning on the water, and loading the dishes, and starting the laundry. Things he never does for no reason. 

"Barry!" I finally spoke up 

He stopped speeding around the house and stood next to me. "What is it?"

"Stop rushing around, come sit down." I patted the seat next to me. 

He smiled at me and sat next to me. He sighed when he sat down like it was a relief. "What do you wanna-"

I laid my head on his thigh, almost using it as a pillow. (ya'll nasty.) "Enjoy this moment Barry." 

"When have we ever enjoyed anything together" He rested his head on the couch behind him. 

I scoffed "We have done a lot to enjoy" 

"Name one thing" He placed his hand on my head and rubbed with my scalp. 

I thought to myself. But the truth is what he said. We were boring people, we never did anything. We never got out, or went to all the states. Which would be easy. I hummed and slapped his leg "I guess your right but still"

He looked at me, sitting perfectly still. "I can name one thing we do to enjoy each other." He talked quiet and then looked at the coffee table behind me like it was suddenly interesting. 

"Oo like what?" I whispered 

He smiled and looked at me. "Let me show you." He patted the seat next to him

I sat up straight and next to him. Our sides rubbing against one another. "What is it-"

He swiftly moved his fingers to my stomach, tickling me. I was trying to push him off me but I couldn't move. "Barry! This isn't what I meant!" 

He didn't stop he just traveled from my stomach to my neck to that little place under my lower thigh. 

"Okay okay!" I stood up and away from him "I am gonna head to bed" I walked to the stair case just glad to be away from his grip. 

But I was back in it in a second. He had picked me up and carried me up the stair case. He was using his speed, but stopped when he placed me on the bed lying on my back. He hovered over me, watching my expression. "Do you want me to show you what we enjoy?" 

My face got red from hearing him say that. I was suddenly squirmy under his touch. "Yes?" I questioned talking slowly. 

He smirked looking at me "Are you sure?" 

I nodded, "Yes" 

He leaned down and touched my lips with his. The feeling of being under him made me weak. It made me submissive to him, as if I would do anything he asked just because he asked me. His tongue fought with mine, it felt so good. I soon felt his hand pressed on my cheek holding me closer to him. I was nearly going crazy, he was taking everything so slowly. 

"Barry?" I questioned pulling away from the desperate kiss. 

A worried expression washed over his face "Did I do something?" 

"No Barry, no" I took a breath "Please, go faster" 

"Oh, you-" He was cut off when his phone started to buzz. 

He moved away and reached over grabbing it. He looked at me worried "We gotta go" He showed me his phone, there was a hostage situation. "CCPD"

He got up helping me do the same "Seriously?" For some reason I was mad, mad that this was interrupted, mad that it was already so late at night. 

"I'm sorry, Thea I'll make it up to you" He got into his suit, watching me do the same. 

"It's whatever, come on" I rushed out of there and to the CCPD. 

There were police cars covering the road and parking lot, this was more serious then I thought. "Hey what's going on?" Barry stopped and asked a police officer. 

I stopped with him wanting to know. 

"A guy who goes by Trickster is holding all the people in CCPD and threatening to bomb the city if he doesn't get what he wants." He was talking fast, but I caught what he said. 

I looked at the police officer "Is this just  a regular guy?"

"He has a history, that's all I can say." He looked back at the building. 

My eyes met Barry's panicked ones "Hey it's gonna be okay" 

He shook his head in disagreement "Iris and Joe are in their." 

I nearly gasped. "What are we waiting for?" 

He ran into the building going up the staircase and ending up in one of the hallways behind the elevators. "Shh" His finger was placed over his lips, as he looked over the corner. 

I listened to him staying close behind him. But I heard footsteps on our other side. I tapped on his shoulder quickly "Barry!" 

He looked back and heard the footsteps as well. He quickly ran into the CCPD office, there were officers, Iris and Joe sitting in a circle with cuffs tied on them and tape over their mouths. There were men in all black standing with guns pointed toward me and Barry, watching our every move. 

"I knew you would be stupid enough to show up." That came from a older man standing between the glass doors. 

I glanced at every one sitting in the circle, making sure they were all okay. "Trickster, is it?" 

He nodded "Yes, speedy." 

"Are you new to Central City, because you have nothing against us." I locked my eyes with him. 

But he didn't react he just laughed "When you two entered the building it started a count down..."

"Count down, to what?" Barry spoke now anger in his voice. 

He laughed. A low laugh. "A unstoppable bomb that will..... how do I put this nicely, take out all of Central City."

My eyes looked frantic at Barry's. When a timer appeared on the screens in the CCPD. How were we going to stop a bomb that would take out the entire city?

"Oh and I should mention, if you lay even a finger on me. The timer...... speeds up and goes faster and faster.." He threatens, still his creepy laugh in his voice. 

I tried to come up with a plan, but there was no way me and Barry would be able to clear the city in less than ten minutes. There had to be some way to stop him from doing this. Barry was panicking next to me, staying completely quiet.

"Fortunately I have a offer to stop the bomb completely, but you would have to pay the price for it." He looked at me

I didn't break my eye contact with him. "What is it?" 

"You die." He said almost instantly, happy to have said it.

Barry's head shot up "No. No that isn't happening." He stepped closer to me 

I wasn't suppose to die from Trickster. I was suppose to die from Savitar. I was still taking it in, there had to be another way. I looked at Barry with fear, trying to find some hope to hold onto but he looked just as scared. 

I quickly ran out of CCPD and went to S.T.A.R labs. Cisco was standing at the cortex desk tapping on the screen quickly.

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