Part 10

22 2 0

Author : Me

Note : I hope your liking this so far, if you are please vote and comment! Tips are great to give out I am a new writer so I do apologize for that.

Word count : 1363

Date posted : 3.24.24


Barry ran to the man and grabbed him tightly holding him close to him.
It was Harrison. He looked somewhat different, but the same person no doubt.

He wasn't running after me or Barry, he didn't even have to speed force in him. I could feel it. 

"Wells what are you doing?!" Barry yelled and cuffed him with meta cuffs 

The wells looked at his cuffs and at us both "What?" he asked 

Barry grabbed the thing he stole out of his pocket and looked at me confused, running to pipeline and placing him there. When I got to Barry I stood next to him looking at the Wells stand up in the box and look around. 

I looked at Barry but his eye's were set on Harrison's. "Hey?" I asked him

He looked at me quickly and back up to the man. "Come on let me out of here" The man who looked like Well's tapped on the glass. 

"Why are you doing this Harrison, acting like you don't know me or what's going on, or why I brought you here in the first place" Barry stated with anger in his voice

I watched Wells and he spoke up again "Oh you think I'm" He laughed "You think I'm the Harrison on this earth don't you" 

Barry scoffed "What do you mean on this earth?" 

Harrison sighed "I'm Harrison Wells on earth two" 

*in the cortex with cisco and caitlin*

"We aren't actually going to believe him right?" Barry asked 

Cisco and Caitlin looked at each other "Listen Barry Its definitely a possibility especially if Thea didn't even feel the speed force in his system" Cisco said leaning on the cortex table 

Barry agreed "Jay did say something about it but I didn't think it was true, and why would he need this?"

Cisco walked over and grabbed the clear small device from Barry examining it and walking to the halls "I'll run some test and figure it out" 

Caitlin nodded and walked to the med lab. Leaving me and Barry alone "Barr, what if they are both telling the truth?" 

Barry shook his head "right now I'm not sure what's wrong or right"

I looked at the floor and Barry ran out of the cortex using his speed. I decided it would be best to leave him alone for a second and let him figure it out himself. 

I went to the lounge to see Jay sitting on the couch witting stuff down "Hey Jay, did you just wake up?" 

He nodded and looked at his watch *it was 9;30* "Yeah, this couch isn't as comfy as it may look" groaning he put down the piece of paper and stretched. "I woke up like three times last night" 

I looked at him and asked him a question "Jay why are you here?" I got straight to the point sternness in my voice

He sighed and looked at me "Zoom, the guy your trying to defeat he took my powers. He took them and put me in this place with nothing." 

My eyes traveled to the ground

"I came here to stop him or try to help stop him. Because he took the most thing precious to me and I fear he will do the same to more and more speedsters" 

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