Part 26

9 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : Getting to the end of S2, and I'm sorry of the parts are shorter. I have a lot going on right now.

Word count :  1208

Date posted : 4.11.24



I jumped up from my bed, gasping. I had a bad feeling. I tapped on my phone, and it lite up revealing the count down I set. It read 2;55 minutes remaining.

"Hey Thea?" Barry grabbed my attention, he was laying on his back looking up at me.

I watched him sit there peacefully. "Barry, come on" I tapped his arm

He jolted himself up and looked at me confused "How much time until..?" He spoke quietly 

"You have about two hours and fifty five minutes" I watched his expression change. 

"Three hours?!" He got up instantly and rushed around getting ready, using his speed. 

I chuckled watching his lightning streak across the room. "Barry!" 

He suddenly stopped in front of me pulling his shirt over his head. "What?" 

I scoffed and stood to my feet, seeing him inch back so slightly. "Stop rushing so much." I told him plainly

He laughed like it was a joke but stopped when he looked back at me, knowing I was being serious. "Uhm, Thea I am racing the guy who want's to kill all earths and almost killed you" 

I looked at him confused "So your rushing around?" 

He nodded instantly "Thea, I have to beat him. But if I'm being honest I want to kill him." 

I saw his seriousness and I understood "Barr you said you wouldn't do that you made a promise." 

"I know, I know" He ran to the bathroom and started brushing his teeth "But I have to beat him, I have to be there for the team. They look up to me" He walked back out putting toothpaste on his brush

I shook my head "I'm sorry I know this is stressful" 

He smiled to me "Its alright don't apologize Thea" 

I nodded and walked to the bathroom, starting to get ready myself. 


We made it to S.T.A.R labs and even though it was 10;45  in the morning everyone was there. Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Jay, Harry and Jessie. They were all hanging out in the Cortex knowing the race was soon. 

We sat in silence for a little bit till Cisco broke the silence "Why don't you go for a test run with the new speed enhancer?" He was speaking to Barry but everyone looked at him. 

Barry nodded at him "That's a good idea" 

The room grew quiet once he left again, everyone was just standing around waiting for it to happen.


"Thea I wanted to say thank you" Barry walked through the halls talking looking at me every so often

I looked at him confused "Why?" 

"If something happens I just wanted you-" I cut him off with my own words

"Barry nothing will happen, I know this is hard but you will defeat him." I reassured him

He just nodded getting quiet again "Thea I love you"

"I love you too" I told him

I saw a smile on his face, and he bent down grabbing me to hug me. He didn't say anything, he just held me close to him tightly. He was sad and hurt about everything now he has to face his own dad's killer and do everything in his power to not kill him. I felt bad, in fact I felt awful I wanted to jar up his pain and put it in me. I wanted to take this burden from him but unfortunately things do not work like that. He kept his arms around my body, slightly lifting me off the ground and on my toes. I just kept my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder, enjoying this moment more than anything. 

Till a voice interrupted us and the moment, it was Harry's he was panicked "Barry! Zoom he's here waiting for you in the Cortex." His voice quieted when he saw out moment together. 

Barry pulled away instantly and looked at him and me "But I still have a hour!" 

"Yeah well he doesn't like to wait" Harry said quietly and walked forward "Come on, it's now or never Allen." 

Harry walked away and he looked at me with pain in his eyes, he leaned down and kissed me. Before rushing into the Cortex, me right by his side.

And just like Harry said he was standing in the Cortex, his black ugly suit making the whole room look nasty. His back was to us but when Barry walked in with me he turned around and saw us "Time's up Barry, decide your choice." 

"I'm racing you Hunter." Barry stepped closer to him and away from me. 

I stayed with my feet planted to the ground. After what he put me through I just didn't want to go through it all again. I watched them as Zoom ran out of the room with Barry. We could hear Barry over coms but we didn't fully know what was happening. I really wanted to run out of there and go help him but this race must've been done alone. We couldn't find cameras where Barry's location was, we were blind. And that scared me, more than anything. 

I finally got out of my trance and stood next to the Cortex desk watching as Cisco tried to find something, anything. It was long before we heard Barry grunting in pain. "Cisco, send me to him now." I was stern and scared that it would've been to late when we got there.

Cisco quickly opened a breach and jumped through it with me not saying anything else. Hunter was on top of Barry holding him down by his neck. They were talking, not friendly like though. Barry was clawing trying to get free from his grip. If thing's went too far I would jump in

My eye caught something and I looked over, there was a second Barry. A time remnant. He was throwing lightening to break the machine. When the machine exploded Zoom was forced off Barry, and thrown to a pole. Him hitting his back pretty hard on it, and falling to the ground. But he got on his knees and yelled, screaming at the top of his lungs. This is where I would come in. 

I quickly closed my eyes concentrating on the speed force telling it exactly what to do. When I did it happened. Time wraiths appeared out of a portal I created to the speed force. The time wraiths attacked Hunter and grabbed him pulling him back to the speed force. It was one sight to see Zoom being dragged by monster like ghost into a portal. But hey what do you expect to see when you go to Central City? 

I rushed over to Barry using my speed and made sure he was okay. He was breathing, he was a little scrapped up but he would be fine. I quickly zapped him, making him jolt up and fling himself in my arms. 

When he did he looked at me and hugged me tightly "Thank you" He got out, still managing to catch his breath. 

I nodded "anytime Barr" I helped him to his feet. 

He was going to be okay. And I was so thankful for that. 

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