Part 22

14 2 0

Author : Me 

Note : 

Word count : 1548

Date posted : 4.7.24


"Okay I know we could use ice to get through. I've done it in my head multiple times, but sense we can't use ice I'm thinking making we could use your lighting bolts. The energy and friction coming off them should be enough to upset the balance and you'd be able to walk through" Jessie explained 

I nodded and looked at Barry "Just throw a lighting bolt" I shrugged 

We both used our speed and shot it at the glass. I paused and looked at Jessie, she just nodded to me. I glanced at Barry before entering the glass and exiting just as quick. "We need to head, I'm sure Zoom is on his way" Barry said 

I nodded, "I got this guy, you got Jessie?" 

"Yeah" He followed behind me as we ran to earth two S.T.A.R labs. I was rushed. 

I ran through the portal and looked back to see Barry behind me carrying Jessie, his arms holding up her body, her legs dangling from his grip. Before I knew it I was back to earth one, with Barry next to me. Harry was waiting, in the room. Though he was the only one he was waiting, for us to come back with his daughter. 

Barry had set Jessie on her feet and she ran toward her dad giving him a big hug. I smiled seeing Harry so happy, and I looked to Barry. He looked at me and motioning for us to leave to room. We all three did leave, and we went to the Cortex looking around. I was checking every desk, looking for something to get this poor guy out of.

Barry grabbed my attention walking toward a little desk with wheels "What about this?" He asked 

I shrugged picking up the wrench "I don't know how far that will get us" 

"Why don't you use your powers?" His eyes were questioning 

I sighed not knowing if I could "I don't know if I-" 

He looked at me sideways "You can Thea, just try" He gave me a reassuring smile.

I shook off the nerves and popped my knuckles, the man turned toward me. I could only see his eyes, his poor helpless eyes. They watched me scarcely, seeing my moments. He just nodded his head, wanting me to help him. 

I slowly placed my finger on a bolt, when I studied the mask. There were multiple bolts on the outer circle, I thought if I could get those off it would be a start. Feeling the cold metal against my finger almost made me shiver, I looked at Barry and back at the mans eyes. I swallowed and pushed electricity out of my finger, feeling the bolt heat up under my finger I kept going. Suddenly the lighting transferred to another bolt, and another, and another, until all the bolts were being hit by the energy and friction coming out of my finger. I closed my eyes focusing on my powers, when the bolt got too hot for my finger I jerked back. 

Barry looked at me concerned "Are you okay?"

I nodded and pulled my finger to my eyes view "I burnt myself, but did it work?" My eyes traveled back to him, he was adjusting his mask lifting it off his face.

Barry's head shot back to the man and helped him take off the mask, being cautious of hitting his face. When they both finally struggled to get it off the person under surprised us both. It was Henry, or rather earth two Henry. Barry stepped back and looked at his feet, I had no idea it would be Henry's doppelganger or I would've done it alone. 

Sudden guilt washed over my emotions and I looked at the man "Henry?" 

He had a confused look on his face "I'm Jay, earth two Jay Garrick" 

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