evanescenctly in full bloom

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I see ivy leaves
climb up upon,
entwine on our facades,
I watch -
as they break down all our pretty barricades.

our water's glistening in aquamarine,
turning winter into spring
again - I watch and I'm wondering
how everything comes in waves,
reflect in the surface today
until it cascades, tomorrow.

'now' is a fragile word
but we've got to embrace it too -
turning scars into stars
and silver line my crescent moon,
do it for the art -
this is our tender age in bloom.

and I don't really know what else I could do,
all I know is that these are the days that must happen to you
so hush! - just take another glass or two
one more time - before the sun comes up again,

before too late becomes too soon.



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heyy... just wanted to stop by to say I haven't published anything in some time 'cause a lot of the things I've been writing lately didn't sound quite right to me - but I finally put this little piece together and I really hope you enjoy it. :))

thanks for reading!❤️

1 "tender age in bloom" ~ Kurt Cobain (In Bloom - Nirvana)
2 "these are the days that must happen to you" ~ Walt Whitman (leaves of grass)

xo, S🌹❤️

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