Chapter 2 - R.TEAM

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The morning after, I practically bounce out of bed, my excitement to meet Lola bubbling over. My phone doesn't even have time to ring—I'm up before my alarm, eager to start the day.

I practically leap into the shower, the warm water washing away the remnants of sleep. As I stand beneath the stream, the steam begins to fog up the mirror. To my surprise, a heart-shaped condensation appears next to the sticky note that Renee left last night. I can't help but smile as I finish washing my hair.

After my shower, I keep my routine simple. I towel dry my hair, quickly brush it, then apply a bit of curl gel to give it some bounce. A dab of cream on my face, and I'm ready to go.

Just as I'm about to leave the bathroom, there's a knock on the door. I open it to find a beautiful bouquet of flowers sitting on the floor. A note attached reads,

"Thanks for your service - R team." The paper is from the hotel reception, indicating it's a gesture from the hotel employees. The Reginald Hotel, as it's called, clearly appreciates my efforts to defuse a potential argument at 1 AM the previous night.

I carefully place the beautiful flowers in a large glass of water, making a mental note to ask for a vase later to properly display them. The vibrant colors brighten up the room, adding a touch of freshness to the space.

As I plan out my day, I decide that I'll return to the hotel later in the afternoon to prepare for the concert. With that in mind, I opt for a simple outfit.

Given the unpredictable weather of early spring, I know I need to dress for any possibility. I settle on a pair of baggy black jeans, a white oversized t -shirt and a cozy green woolen sweater. With this outfit I'll be comfortable throughout the day but also allows for easy coordination if Lola and I decide to do some shopping.

I lace up my sneakers, sling my bag over my shoulder, and step out of the hotel, greeted by the crisp morning air that fills me with a sense of nostalgia and excitement. I can't help but smile, stirring up memories of my student days in this vibrant city.

As I stroll along the streets, I wonder what to do with Lola. A coffee seems like a decent way to kick things off, a perfect opportunity to catch up on all the latest gossip. I'll definitely have to tell her about my encounter with Renee—it's not like me to keep secrets from my best friend.

Soon enough, Lola and I meet up, and our day unfolds in a whirlwind of laughter and shared memories. as the day passes by there's just so much to talk about, I can't seem to find the right moment to bring it up. We decided to visit some other friends and enjoy a picnic in the park, soaking in the warmth of the sun and the joy of each other's company.

Later, we wander through the city streets, exploring quirky thrift shop. As we peruse the racks, Lola suddenly nudges me, her eyes wide with excitement.

"Hey, Maxine ? How are you?" a familiar voice calls out, interrupting our browsing. It's Renee

Before I can even respond, "Did you receive my flowers?" she asks, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips

Caught off guard, I freeze, realizing I completely forgot to mention Renee and the flowers to Lola.

"It was you?" I blurt out, shocked. "I thought it was from the hotel."

Renee chuckles, shaking her head. "Well duh ! R-team for Renee's team, right?"

I can't help but mock her playfully. "Well..., the hotel is called Reginald, so I thought it was from them. Like the R-Team for Reginald's Team. Plus, the note was so formal—it said 'thank you for your service."

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