Chapter 16 - BOARD GAMES

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As the weekend approached, I found myself in need of a distraction. With anticipation building for Renee's upcoming visit to France, I was eager to have something to occupy my mind in the meantime.

Thankfully, earlier in the day, Nico had sent me a text message inviting me to a board game night with his friends. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to unwind and enjoy some quality time with good company. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that Nico's invitation might also serve as an excuse for him to introduce me to his new girlfriend.

Before heading out for the evening, I knew I needed to make a quick facetime call to my parents to inform them about Renee joining me.

Dialing my parents' number, I waited anxiously as the phone rang.

FR : "Allo ?"

EN : "Hello ?" my mom picked up

FR : "Coucou Maman, Coucou Papa ?"

EN : "Hi Mom, Hi Dad" I say happily as their faces appear on the screen.

FR : "Coucou ma chérie ! Comment vas-tu ? "

EN : "Hi sweetheart! How are you?" my dad asked with a soft smile on his face.

FR : "Je vais bien, merci. Je voulais vous dire que je venais ce weekend pour l'anniversaire de Rose, mais je viendrais avec quelqu'un"

EN : "I'm good, thanks. I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming over this weekend for Rose's birthday, but I'll be bringing a guest with me." I explain.

FR : "Oh, c'est super ! Qui viendrait, Maddy ?"

EN : "Oh, that's nice ! Who's coming, Maddy?" she asks, excitement evident in her voice. She's always liked Maddy.

FR : "Non, Renee. Elle restera avec nous pour la semaine"

EN : "No, Renee. She'll be joining us for the week." I inform them.

FR : "Oh, c'est merveilleux ! Nous avons hâte de la rencontrer. Est-ce celle dont tu nous as parlé ?"

EN : "Oh, that's wonderful! We're looking forward to meeting her. Is she the one you told us about?"

FR : "Oui c'est elle. Je pense que vous allez beaucoup l'aimer. "

EN : "Yeah, that's her. I think you'll really like her."

FR : "Eh bien, nous sommes impatients de vous avoir toutes les deux chez nous. Y a-t-il quelque chose de spécial qu'elle aime et que nous devrions avoir pour elle ?"

EN : "Well, we're excited to have both of you over. Is there anything special she likes that we should have for her?"

FR : "Non, rien de spécifique. Elle est plutôt facile à vivre."

EN : "No, nothing specific. She's pretty easygoing."

My dad is pretty silent, probably processing the fact that I'm bridging someone home and not daring to ask any question about it.

FR : "Papa, t'es là ?"

EN : "Dad, are you there?" I chuckle

FR : "Oui oui, je suis là "

EN : "Yeah, I'm here." he answers, pulling himself out of his thoughts.

FR : "J'espère que ça ne vous dérange pas que je l'emmène avec moi. J'ai pensé que ce serait sympa qu'elle vous rencontre, toi et maman."

EN : "I hope it's okay that I'm bringing her along. I thought it would be nice for her to meet you and Mom."

FR : "Oui, c'est d'accord."

EN : "Yeah it's alright"

FR : "Super. On se voit samedi alors."

EN : "Great. We'll see you on Saturday then."

FR : "Au revoir Chérie"

EN : "Bye honey" They both say at the same time before the call ends.

As I stepped into Nico's apartment, I was immediately greeted by Katia, Nico's girlfriend. She had a warm smile on her face as she approached me

"Hey there!" she exclaimed, reaching out to give me a friendly hug. "It's so great to finally meet you!"

Returning the hug, I couldn't help but smile at her infectious energy. "Hi Katia! It's good to see you too," I replied, genuinely pleased to see her.

As we pulled away from the hug, Katia's gaze lingered on me for a moment, her expression curious yet welcoming. "Nico has told me so much about you. I'm really glad you could make it tonight," she said, her tone warm and genuine.

"Thanks, I'm really excited to be here, where is he anyway ?" I replied, feeling at ease in her presence.

She points it at me. "Nico!" I called out as I spotted him bustling around the room, setting up board games and arranging snacks on the table.

I hug him and greet his friends. "So, who's up for another round of Codenames?" I suggested, eager to dive into the evening's entertainment.

Throughout the evening, Katia made sure to include me in conversations and activities, seamlessly integrating me into the group. Her genuine interest and friendliness made me feel instantly comfortable, and I found myself enjoying her company more with each passing moment. I can see the way she interacts with Nico, the way they look at each other, I'm so happy for them.

As I stepped out of Nico's apartment into the cool night air, a sense of tranquility washed over me. I had such a great night.

The streets were bathed in the soft glow of streetlights, casting long shadows on the pavement. I began my walk home, the rhythmic sound of my footsteps echoing against the quiet streets.

As I made my way through the familiar streets, I found myself captivated by the city's nocturnal charm. The buildings, usually overlooked during the hustle and bustle of the day, now stood illuminated against the dark sky, their intricate details casting captivating silhouettes.

Despite the late hour, the city was still very much alive. Vibrant restaurants and cozy bars spilled warmth and laughter onto the streets, inviting passersby to join in the lively atmosphere. I couldn't help but smile as I watched people strolling by, each lost in their own thoughts

As I approached my house, I couldn't wait to sink into my own bed.

I entered my house, it was quiet. Noah was out with friends and Maddy, well I don't know where Maddy was, it wasn't unusual for her to have plans of her own.

I went up to my room, I shed my shoes and jacket, feeling the weight of the day slowly lift from my shoulders. The moonlight filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over my room. It felt good to be home.

Sinking into the mattress, I let out a contented sigh. This was home. Closing my eyes, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber, grateful for the quiet and comfort of my own room.


Hi guys, sorry this chapter is quite short. It's a little filler .

Not much interactions between Renee and max, but tell me if you like more chapters with other characters.

Next one is : Chapter 17 - TRAIN STATION

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