Chapter 40 - EXPOSURE ✴

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OK first, I can't believe it's been 40 chapters already !! Thanks you so much for those who are still here

And also there are more than 9k readers total on that story, my brain is exploding !! Thank you so much !!

So this is a little appreciation post for everyone but especially for the ones that are showing the most ! They'll recognize themselves ... don't get use to it though


I will marked the start and the end with 〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰 for those who want to skip it.

Byyee, M



Max's POV

I woke up early the next morning, feeling like I hadn't slept at all. My body was exhausted, but I had to get to the office, finish my files, prepare for another team meeting, and then hurry to the site of the project for a meeting with my team and the clients.

Renee was still asleep beside me, her face peaceful in the soft morning light. I carefully untangled myself from her embrace, trying not to wake her. She groaned softly and turned over, pulling the covers over her head. I chuckled quietly and slipped out of bed.

The hot water from the shower was a welcome relief, soothing my tense neck and shoulders. I closed my eyes, allowing the warmth to wash away some of the fatigue.

"Are you taking a shower without me?" I heard, just as the door creaked open.

I turned to see Renee, barely awake, standing in the steamy bathroom. Her hair was tousled, and she rubbed her eyes sleepily.

"Want to join me?" I asked, a playful smirk forming on my lips. The thought of her joining me sent a rush of heat through my body.

Without answering, she began to undress, her movements slow and deliberate, almost like a dream. My heart quickened as she stepped into the shower, the steam swirling around us. Her skin glistened with droplets of water, each one catching the light as it slid down her curves. She moved closer, her eyes half-lidded with sleep but sparkling with mischief, a smile playing on her lips.

How did I get so lucky to have a human as beautiful inside and out as her, near me?

Renee's POV

I woke up to an empty bed and the sound of the shower running. I stretched, feeling the warmth of the spot where Max had been sleeping still lingering beside me.

Curiosity and a playful mood got the best of me, so I pushed the not entirely closed bathroom door and teased, "Are you taking a shower without me?"

Max turned, a smile spreading across her face. "Want to join me? "

Without hesitation, I slipped out of my clothes and stepped into the shower with her. The warm water enveloped us as I hugged her from behind, pressing her back against my bare skin. I slid a hand down to her lower belly, resting my head on her shoulder.

We stood there for a moment, just holding each other, letting the water pour over us.

Max tilted her head up to kiss me, her lips soft and warm against mine. "Good morning," she murmured, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"Good morning," I replied, brushing a strand of wet hair from her face.


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