Chapter 8 - SURPRISE

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Tuesday dragged on, just as I had anticipated. Meeting after meeting with potential new clients who, unfortunately, didn't pique my interest much.

The rest of the week crept by at a snail's pace, except for Wednesday, which I had been eagerly anticipating. Spending the day with the kids was like a breath of fresh air. I was moody all week but this was my little ray of sunshine. Renee and I had been exchanging texts almost incessantly, sharing snapshots of our daily activities. It was a welcome distraction from the mundane routine.

As I bid farewell to the kids and gathered my belongings to head back to my car, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. Glancing at the screen, I noticed an unknown number flashing. Normally, I wouldn't bother answering calls from unfamiliar numbers, but they persisted, calling back again after a couple of minutes. Reluctantly, I decided to answer.

Max: Hello?

Bella: Hey, Max. It's Bella.

Max: Hey, Bella. What's up?

Bella: Listen, I'm calling because Renee hasn't been feeling very well lately. She's been really moody, especially after the last few shows. She's exhausted and keeps saying everything was so much better back in Brussels.

Max: Oh no, that doesn't sound good. Is she okay?

Bella: Physically, she's fine, but emotionally, she's struggling. I think she's just worn out and needs some extra support. She's been missing you a lot, Max.

Max: I've been missing her too. I wish I could be there with her.

Bella: That's actually why I'm calling. I was thinking maybe you could join us for a little surprise in Birmingham. I think it would really lift her spirits to see you.

Max : Birmingham, when is the show ?

Bella : Saturday night, listen I know you probably have a tone of work but we really need you here.

Max : Hey don't worry it's okay, I will do some extra work on Friday and Saturday morning to be free. I will be there. Do you have a plan in mind ?

Bella : You're an angel you know that ?

Max : ...

Bella : Well, I was thinking you could just show up unexpectedly. The rest is up to you.

We spent a good 15 minutes on the phone hashing out the details of the surprise. Bella assured me she'd arrange for train tickets to get me there, as well as a taxi to whisk me off to the show.

It's true that Renee must be emotionally and physically exhausted, she had her show in Glasgow on Monday and Manchester on Tuesday, then a day off today, that apparently didn't go that well since Bella called. Liverpool on Thursday, a day off in Birmingham on Friday and the Birmingham show on Saturday night. Our plan is for me to join them on Saturday night for the surprise, and since their next stop was in London, I could make it back home by Sunday.

I have to wait 2 and a half days but I'm very excited. I texted a picture of the parking lot to Renee, "heading home now, the day with the kids was so much fun, how was your day off ?"

I then put my phone in my pocket and started my car.

Tonight, it was Noah's turn to take charge of dinner, and they opted for a delicious risotto, which happened to be one of my favorites.

As we gathered around the table, Maddy brought up an idea :

"I saw this party in an underground bar this weekend. We should totally go" Maddy suggested.

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