Chapter 17 - TRAIN STATION

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As I stood on the platform, waiting for her arrival, my anticipation grew with each passing moment. The station was bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun, casting a warm, golden hue over everything it touched. I scanned the arriving train, my heart racing with excitement.

It had been over a week since we'd seen each other in person, of course we called each other almost every day but I couldn't wait to see her again.

And then, amidst the crowd of disembarking passengers, I saw her. She stepped off the train, her figure illuminated by the fading light, and my breath caught in my throat. Time seemed to slow as she moved gracefully, her hair catching the last rays of sunlight, creating a halo around her. At that moment her nickname was really appropriate.

With each step closer, her smile brightened, and my heart skipped a beat. Her eyes met mine, and in that moment, everything else faded away. The bustling station melted into the background, leaving only the two of us in our own little world.

With a rush of emotion, she threw her arms around me in a tight hug, and I held her close, savoring the moment.

My mom told me she left me a car at the train station. I scanned the parking lot, "Here it is!" I exclaimed, spotting the familiar shape of my mom's car. We hurried over, throwing our bags in the back and hopping into the front seats. The car was filled with a mix of laughter and chatter as we set off towards my parents' house. As we drove, Renee couldn't contain her awe at the scenic surroundings. "Your hometown is so beautiful" she remarked, gazing out of the window at the passing countryside. "It's so different from the city."

I smiled, feeling a sense of pride in my hometown. "Yeah, it's a pretty peaceful place" I replied, glancing over at her.

Arriving at the house, I parked the car and we made our way to the front door. My parents had left a spare key in a lockbox. I punched in the numbers and retrieved the key, feeling a sense of excitement building within me as I unlocked the door.

Stepping inside, Renee's eyes widened "You're house is so cute !" she remarked, her voice filled with wonder as she took in her surroundings. As we settled in, I feel a surge of happiness at having Renee by my side in my childhood home.

I took Renee on a little house tour, pointing out all the details and sharing stories from my childhood. With each room we explored, I could see her fascination growing, and it warmed my heart to see her so interested in my past.

When we reached my old bedroom, Renee immediately gravitated towards the pictures lining the walls. She studied each one intently, her curiosity evident in the way she examined every detail.

"Wow, these are amazing," she exclaimed, picking up a framed photo from my dresser. "Is this you as a kid?" she asked, turning to me with a smile.

I nodded, feeling a rush of nostalgia wash over me. "Yeah, that's me," I replied, joining her to look at the photo. "This one was taken on my sixth birthday."

I smiled as Renee showed me another photo, this one capturing a moment from my childhood. In the picture, I was a little girl of about two years old, holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand and the leash of a horse in the other. My smile stretched from ear to ear, radiating pure joy.

"My mom took this one," I explained, a fondness in my voice as I recalled the memory. "It was her horse, which is probably what made me fall in love with them."

Renee listened intently, her eyes lingering on the photo as she took in the scene. "That's adorable," she remarked, a soft smile playing on her lips. "I didn't know you loved horses"

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