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Hii guys, so sorry for the delay ! I have so much to do right now, but see I'm not forgetting you and I found a little time to write.

It's a short little filler but I hope you'll enjoy it as much as the others. Tell me what you think ? I'm having some writer blocks lately so if you have any ideas for what could happen please feel free to tell me.

Some of you (one in particular) will hate me for a moment in this chapter ...  But I promise it will be fine ; )

Also, important question, I can see that there is a big part of you (readers) that are between 18 and 25 yo, where are you guys ? 

And if you're not, how old are you ? I just want to know who I'm writing for ahah

Anyway, I hope you're all okay ?! Don't forget to like and comment <3

Byee, M



Max's POV :

It's been two months since I left LA. My project is finally over; all the files are completed and submitted to the superior authorities for the contest. Now, I'm back in London. The past months have been strange between Renee and me. We decided to stay as we are, not to officiate anything, despite knowing damn well how we feel about each other. Is that a good decision? I don't think so, but what else could we do? I had to return to London, and long distance is not an option for us.

I can't stop thinking about what my grandma said to me at Easter:

FR : "Parfois, tu n'as pas besoin d'étiquettes pour savoir ce que tu as. Quand tu regardes quelqu'un de la manière dont vous le faites toutes les deux, il est évident qu'il y a quelque chose de spécial."

EN : "Sometimes, you don't need labels to know what you have. When you look at someone the way you two do, it's clear there's something special there."

Everything she said is true. We don't need labels. But she saw that there was something special between us, and that was months ago. What about now? That special thing is still here; it's even deeper. But I had to go home; I had to get back to London.

The big party with my team to celebrate the end of the project was overwhelming. Saying goodbye to everyone was hard. I've been crying for three days straight. It's not that I don't want to go home, but I liked it here. I liked the people I worked with, the friends I made, the city, and how there was always something to do. I liked ... being home with Renee.

The stalker situation did calm down a little bit. There are still rumors going around and some paparazzi pictures, but no messages and no one following us. We didn't address any of the rumors since we are both avoiding the subject.

As I settle back into my London apartment, everything feels different. The city, once familiar and comforting, now seems distant and cold. I unpack my bags, each item a reminder of the past few months I had left behind. Pictures of me and Renee, little souvenirs from our outings, even the clothes still carrying her scent. My heart aches.

I wander the streets of London, trying to reconnect with the city, but I keep comparing everything to LA. The cafes we used to visit, the parks where we spent lazy afternoons, the little bookstore where we spent hours browsing. Despite all this, I'm really happy to see Maddy, Noah, and Nico again. They have been really supportive during my hard time coming back.

Renee POV

Max left LA mid-September. We still talk almost every day, but it's been hard. I don't know how much longer I can take this—us being friends while both knowing our feelings. It's weird, it's heavy. I miss her. I miss what we were before.

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