Chapter 28 - COACHELLA DAY 3 PART 1

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Heyy guys ! So I (finally) decided to cut this chapter in half. Otherwise it was way too long and it didn't make sense. I hope you enjoy this one, it's a little teasing for the next one ( yes I really like the teasing parts ahah)

Don't forget to like and comment when you're reading !

Byyyye - M



Max's POV

A soft scent of vanilla enveloped me, instantly soothing my senses and bringing a smile to my lips. I opened my eyes feeling Renee curled up in my arms. I'm smaller than her but right now her head is in the crook of my neck, my head resting on hers.

"Good morning," I whispered, my voice barely more than a breath, not wanting to disturb the tranquility of the moment.

Renee stirred slightly, her fingers tracing lazy circles on my back.

"Good morning," she murmured, her voice husky with sleep, yet filled with an undeniable tenderness that made my heart flutter.

I shifted slightly, adjusting our position so I could gaze into her eyes. They were still heavy with sleep, but there was a warmth in them that spoke volumes.

"I could stay like this forever," I admitted, my voice filled with a sense of contentment that I hadn't felt in a long time. My heart is beating fast, I don't want to make this friendship weird but that's genuinely the way I feel right now.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of Renee's lips as she reached up to brush a stray lock of hair from my face.

"Me too, but I'm hungry" she confessed, her fingers lingering against my cheek.

I chuckled softly and reluctantly untangled myself from her embrace, reaching for a hoodie to throw on over my pajamas.

"Let's join the others for breakfast then, I'm sure Scarlett made pancakes again»

As I turned to the bed, Renee's smile seemed to falter slightly, her gaze drifting away from mine.

"Hey, is everything okay?" I asked, my voice soft with concern.

Renee hesitated for a moment before replying,

"Yeah, everything's fine," she replied, but her tone lacked the usual conviction.

I frowned slightly, knowing there was more to it than she was letting on.

"Are you sure?" I pressed gently, reaching out to grasp her hand in mine, silently urging her to open up to me.

Renee sighed, her gaze drifting away from mine again.

"It's just... I couldn't help but notice how close you've been getting with Scarlett lately," she admitted, her voice tinged with a hint of insecurity.

I blinked in surprise, caught off guard by her confession.

"Aren't you happy with me getting along with your friends?" I asked, sliding back into bed beside her

"I am," she replied softly

I tilt my head to the side, not really understanding where she is going with this.

"It's just... You seem to really like Scarlett," Renee continued,

"Yeah, she's really fun to be around," I admitted

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