Chapter 45 - ADDICTION

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Heyyy, sorry I'm late ... again (little writers block...)

A little filler, fluffy chapter because our babies had suffered enough and they deserve a little break from the drama. The chaos will come back sooner or later don't worry ;)

As always I hope you like it, please tell me what you think and don't forget to like and comment this chapter (and the others)


Byee, M

PS : There is some french in this chapter, if I forgot to translate please tell me I will correct it <3



Renee's POV

the bedroom, the bathroom, the pool, and the kitchen... let's just say we've made more than just food in there. ... everywhere. It's like every corner of my house witnessed our, let's say, active celebration of being together again.

Every glance, every touch from Max sets off a chain reaction inside me, a magnetic pull that's impossible to resist. We simply just can't stay away from each other. Every time she looks at me, I can't help but jump on her. It's the way she moves, the way her eyes light up when she's excited, the way she smiles just for me. It's not just her looks, although she is incredibly hot. In fact she's so hot and so cute at the same time, it's driving me insane.

Her presence transforms me into a horny mess. I'm obsessed, never been that obsessed in my life. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and it's both exhilarating and terrifying. But with Max, it feels right. The way she whispers my name, the way she knows just how to touch me like she knows every inch of my body—it's intoxicating. Her touch, her scent, her very being has become my addiction. When she's not around, I'm a mess, almost as much as I am when she's with me. And the crazy part? I don't even mind.

Ok ok I think you get my point ...

Max's POV

I have had my share of crushes in the past, and I've even fallen in love a few times. But this... this with Renee is something entirely different. Every time I think about her, it feels like a wave of warmth and peace washes over me. When I was in love before, I always felt this underlying tension, a constant anxiety that never quite went away. With Renee, I'm always relaxed, even in situations where I probably shouldn't be. This is not new, I've been feeling this way since I met her basically but it's only occurring to me now.

Returning to the life I had a few months ago feels like slipping into a favorite old sweater, comforting and familiar.

When we're not tangled up in each other, we have these quiet, tender moments that make my heart swell. We lie in bed, talking about everything under the sun. I tell her about my new dream of creating something amazing with Willow, and she shares her thoughts about her music, her fears, and her hopes.

The way she whispers my name sends shivers down my spine, and the way she knows exactly how to touch me leaves me breathless. We've explored every inch of each other's bodies and souls, and yet, every time feels like the first time. Sometimes, we'll be in the middle of something random, like cooking breakfast or watching TV, and I'll catch her looking at me with that smoldering gaze, and I know it's over. Before I know it, we're tangled up in each other again.

As we lie in bed, our naked bodies entwined, the world outside ceases to exist. The room is dimly lit, the moonlight casting a soft glow across the room, highlighting the contours of Renee's face. She looks at me with those eyes, full of curiosity and love, and I can't help but smile. We talk about our plans for the week, our voices a gentle murmur in the quiet of the night. Renee's fingers trace lazy patterns on my skin.

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