Chapter 47 - HALLOWEEN

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Hiii guys, how are you today ? How is the weather where you are ? Because for me it's really unstable, I have to change outfits 3 times a day to adapt ...

Anyway this the last comforting chapter before the drama comes back ; )

It's also an all Max's POV chapter because I feel like it was an eternity since we had a really long Max perspective, I hope you'll like it !

Enjoy and as always don't forget to like and comment <3 thanksss

Byee, M


... OCTOBER...

Max's POV

As I step into Renee's house a wave of familiarity washes over me. I've spent so much time here recently that it feels almost like a second home. It smells just like her, a mix of her shampoo and the essentials oil she uses. She doesn't wear perfume because she is sensitive to the strong smell.

Tonight she decided to host a Halloween party with her friends. I recently met a lot of Renee's friends so I know pretty much everyone invited, not very well but at least I know who they are.

I find Renee in the living room, placing the final touches on the halloween decorations.

"Hi Rayray" I say hugging her from behind

she jumps scares a little "Oh I didn't hear you coming in" She turns to face me, placing a gentle kiss on my lips "How are you today baby?"

"Good, good, what can I do to help?"

"Could you start with the snacks? Sorry the kitchen is a bit of a mess"

"On it," I say, heading towards the kitchen. The counter is covered with a variety of Halloween-themed treats: cookies shaped like bats, cupcakes with ghostly icing, and a large bowl of candy corn. I start arranging everything on platters, making sure to leave enough space for the pumpkin punch and the spooky cocktails Renee has planned.

We finish preparing everything and head to the dressing room to put on our costumes. Of course we planned to disguise as a duo. We decide on Victor and Victoria from corpse bride in the Tim Burton movie. It's a classic and it always works. Why make things complicated when they are simple? I'm doing Victor, she is doing Victoria.

"Max, you're here early!" one of Renee's friends, Emma, says as she steps inside, her arms full of bags. She's dressed as the witch in the magician of Oz.

"Yeah, just helping Renee with the preparations," I reply, taking one of the bags from her and placing it on the side table. "Your costume looks great!"

Emma's arrival was followed by everyone else's. Renee was busy talking with everyone and I found myself welcoming them, directing them to the living room or offering them a drink.

"Max, it's so cute how you and Renee act like a little couple hosting parties together," Said Cassidy, who turned out to be Scarlett's girlfriend. They were on a break for a while but now they are back together.

Later in the evening, I take a break from the crowd, stepping outside onto the back porch to get some fresh air. I lean against the railing, taking a sip of my drink and enjoying the quiet for a moment. The night is cool, the sky is clear and we can even see some stars.

"Hey, there you are," Renee's voice breaks the silence, and I turn to see her standing in the doorway, a soft smile on her face. "I was looking for you. Everything okay?" She looks radiant under the soft light, her white dress fluttering slightly in the breeze.

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