Chapter 24 - PHONE CALL

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Hi guys, I know last chapter wasn't the most fun but as promise it gets better !

I hope you still enjoy the story ?

Any recommentations for what can happen next ?

Don't forget to like and comment if you like

Byye - M



Max's POV

Kaleidoscope - Chapell Roan is playing loud in my room. The music envelops me as I sit on the edge of my bed. My phone in hand, I've been wrestling with my thoughts for what feels like the right thing to write.

I start typing, my fingers hesitating over the screen before I eventually delete everything I've written.

...I want to talk to you, I think about you but at the same time I want to give you space. I hope you're ok, I have a ton of messages for you in my head but I'm waiting for you to reach back to send them. I worry about you. I hope that you will come back when you're better because I really feel that there is something here. ...

I erase the words, it's too much

I tried again, "Can we talk ?" It's simple, straightforward. But maybe it's too cold,

I delete the message once more, my doubts gnawing at me. But then I remember Noah's advice: "Don't overthink it."

Still, doubts linger, and I almost delete it, but I remember Noah's advice :

"Don't overthink it." Why I am so stressed, it's just a text, it's stupid.

Max 😈

Hey, are you free for a call soon ? I need to talk with you ...

So, I hit send and toss my phone onto the bed, feeling a mix of anxiety and anticipation.

Three minutes later, the ringtone breaks the silence, and I hurriedly pick up. My heart is pounding in my chest.

"Hey" I greet, my voice trembling with nervousness.

"Hi" Renee's voice floods through the phone, instantly comforting me. God, I've missed her voice even if she sounds a little cold right now.

"How are you?" I ask, trying to break the ice.

"Good" she answers, her tone noticeably cold.

"Listen, I wanted to talk to you..." I confess, going straight to the point.

"Sure, what's up?" I can sense a bit of unease in her tone.

"Well, I'm not feeling very well mentally lately and my friends told me it might be partly because we didn't call each other ..." I admit, the weight of the confession hangs heavy in the air.

"What ? I had no idea you were going through a tough time. Are you okay ? Why didn't you call me ? " Her confusion is palpable.

I swallow hard, feeling a knot form in my throat

"Why didn't you ?" I counter, feeling a bit defensive.

"Because you didn't" she states simply.

I feel so dumb right now.

"I thought ... I wanted to give you some space" I murmur softly

"Space for what ?" Her voice holds a note of curiosity and confusion.

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