Chapter 36 - THE ROOMMATE

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Hii, I can't believe this story is still first in the #renee !! Thank you so much !

Like promised this week was a normal posting week ! I had and still have a lot of work (some jury next week) but writing this is giving me a little break ! I hope I can continue writing next week to update at least once, if not things should be back to normal in a week or so !

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter. I'm sorry in advance for the drama but I need to keep things interesting for you !

Please tell me if you want things to happen, you know the drill ... Don't forget to like, comment !

Byye, M



Max's POV

Five days later, my parents, Lou, and Oscar went back to France, and Renee returned to LA. I returned to London for the last week there. The week in Canada had been incredibly relaxing. Spending time with the people I loved, all of us enjoying our time together, was just what I needed. We went on hikes, swam in lakes, visited the surrounding areas, and played board games. Each day was filled with laughter and shared moments that I would cherish forever.

Things between Renee and me were a mix of playful and close. We were always seeking each other's touches, a brush of hands here, a shared smile there. We spent all of our nights cuddling each other, waking up each morning wrapped in each other's arms. The closeness was intoxicating, making it harder to ignore the growing feelings in my heart.

She spent a lot of time talking with my siblings and parents as well, and that just made my heart melt. Seeing her get along so well with my family was something I had never experienced before. It felt like she was seamlessly becoming a part of my world, and I loved every minute of it. I never had a relationship like this before, a friendship where I was so close with the other person. My feelings for her were growing more and more, and I didn't know how to deal with that. Every shared glance, every laugh, and every touch only deepened my affection for her. I was afraid that at some point, I would crack, do something wrong, and ruin our friendship.

After my return to London, I spent my days boxing up my life. I know I'm just leaving for a few months but I needed to do some serious sorting anyway. Plus Maddy and Noah were very happy to keep some of the stuff I couldn't bring with me.

My nights were mostly getting drunk with Maddy, Noah and Nico to celebrate my new job and say goodbye.

The flight to LA was long, but I spent most of it dozing off, my mind swirling with thoughts of what lay ahead. The house I had found was in a vibrant neighborhood, and while it had roommates, I didn't know much about them yet.

When I arrived at the house, it was already dark. The house was charming, with a porch that looked perfect for lazy afternoons. I dragged my suitcase up the steps and knocked on the door, my heart pounding with a mix of nerves and anticipation.

The door swung open, and a guy about my age stood there, grinning widely. "You must be the new roommate. I'm Jordan. Welcome to LA!"

I smiled back, feeling some of my nervousness melt away. "Hi, Jordan. I'm Max ! Thanks, it's good to be here."

He helped me with my bags and showed me around. The house was cozy, with a lived-in feel that immediately made me feel at home. My room was small but bright, with a window that overlooked the backyard.

"We're all pretty easygoing," Jordan said as we finished the tour. "There's also Taylor and Sam. They're out tonight but you'll meet them soon enough. And Scarlett is in her room"

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