Chapter 14 - TATTOOS ON MY SKIN ✴

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⚠ SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING ( I marked the start and the end with 〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰⋅〰 for those who want to skip it.)


As the tension between us reached its peak, threatening to spill over into something more, Nico's voice rang out, pulling us back from the brink. I shot Renee a quick glance, the electricity between us palpable, before we both turned to answer Nico's call.

"Hey, you two! Get over here!" Nico waved us over, his grin infectious as he beckoned us to join the rest of the group.

Renee and I exchanged a knowing look, the unspoken words between us echoing in the air. With a shared smile, we made our way back to the group, the music pulsing around us. As we joined in the dancing, the tension between us dissipated, replaced by the joy of the moment and the camaraderie of friendship.

As we danced in the pulsating rhythm of the music, Nico sidled up beside me

"So, what's the deal with you and Renee?" he asked, his tone laced with playful curiosity.

I chuckled, trying to play it cool "Oh, nothing much" replied casually, not wanting to make a big deal out of it."Just a little harmless fun, you know?"

Nico raised an eyebrow, clearly not buying my nonchalant act. "Come on, dude. I saw the way you two were looking at each other" he teased. "Everyone saw the shot-giving thing. It was obvious there's some chemistry between you two."

I laughed, trying to brush off his observation. "Nah, you're reading too much into it" I insisted, "We're just friends, nothing more."

Nico gave me a knowing look but decided to drop the subject, sensing that I wasn't going to spill any further details. With a shrug, he joined back in the dancing, leaving me to ponder the unspoken tension that lingered between Renee and me.

As the night wore on, the energy of the party began to wane, and one by one, my friends started to look visibly tired. Maddy stifled a yawn, and Noah rubbed his eyes, clearly ready to call it a night. Even Nico, who usually had boundless energy, seemed to be running on fumes.

So, I suggested we call it a night and head back to the hotel. As we made our way out of the club and into the cool night air, the buzz of conversation among us was replaced by a quiet exhaustion. The adrenaline of the night had begun to fade, and the weariness of the day's events settled over us like a heavy blanket.

As we arrived at the hotel, we exchanged smiles and murmured goodnights. But just as I turned to head to my room, Renee's voice cut through the air.

"Hey, Max" she called out, her tone light and inviting, "how about one last drink in my room?"

I glanced back at her, surprised. The thought of another drink was tempting, and besides, I wasn't feeling all that tired just yet. So, with a nod and a smile, I agreed.

As Renee went to grab some snacks and drinks from the minibar, I slouched in my seat, feeling the exhaustion weighing me down. But when she turned back with a mischievous glint, I perked up.

"You deserve another shot" she said, her smile daring me to refuse.

I raised an eyebrow. "Do I?"

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, she stepped closer, her fingers trailing lightly along my jawline, causing my heart to skip a beat. As she gently tugged at my hair, my chin lifted instinctively, and I found myself staring into her mesmerizing gaze. The touch of her thumb against my lips sent a shiver down my spine as I obediently parted them.

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