Chapter 48 - SKID

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Hiii, I'm already so sorry for this chapter ...

I hope you'll like it anyway, please give me some raw reactions !!

enjoy, and again SORRY

Oh and also, I decided to add the month at the beginning of each chapter (I will update the previous one). I don't know if it's useful for you but it's helping me not getting lost in the timeline.

Byee, M



Max's POV

The media pressure was high, escalating to the point where the whispers about our relationship had become an incessant buzz.

Renee, being the very direct person she is, decided to hard launch our relationship but I suggested that she talk to her publicist first, to be sure everything went smoothly.

After a very long conversation with Adam, Bella and Priscilla we thought that since Renee was invited to a major media event at the end of the week it was the perfect opportunity to introduce our relationship to the public in a controlled way. I think Renee is really excited about this but I'm really stressed actually. Adam seemed to notice it and was really sweet about it, taking the time to explain to me how everything usually goes. We had a plan, and we felt ready—at least on the surface.

"Are you scared ?" She asked me sweetly.She knew that stepping into the public eye meant the media could become relentless, searching for every detail about us, every flaw, every misstep. In truth, I was terrified. But I knew we couldn't hide forever. If we wanted to live freely and without the constant shadow of rumors, we had to take this step. So, I decided to not tell her of how afraid I was and make a joke instead.

"Scared ? No. Horny, yes" I said with a chuckle. The corners of my lips curled into a mischievous smile, masking the trembling in my heart. I mean, I was, she was looking very hot in this dress. She was looking like the sexiest woman on earth in pajamas too actually.

She scoffed and gave my arm a gentle slap.

...time skip to the event...

As we stepped out of the car, our feet not yet touching the red carpet, a wave of flashing lights harassed us. Cameras were everywhere, calling my name. How did they even know my name? I felt a flutter of nerves in my stomach, but I took a deep breath and felt Renee hands grabbing mine and squeezing. She leaned into me and murmured into my ear, her breath warm and reassuring.

"I'm right here with you, I'm not letting you go" She whispered

I smiled softly and took another big breath. I forced a bigger smile, a mask of confidence, and we started to move forward on the carpet. The air was electric with the hum of excitement, and the bright lights from the cameras made it feel like we were stepping into a different world, a world where every glance and gesture mattered.

I wore a deep blue silk dress, its fabric shimmering under the bright lights. The dress had a daring slit on the side, revealing just enough of my leg to feel bold but not too revealing. The material clung to my figure, accentuating my curves in all the right places, before cascading down my back and around my chest.The dress screamed confidence and beauty, but inside, I was a bundle of nerves and self-doubt.

Beside me, Renee wore a suit made from the exact same fabric as my dress. Her suit pants were wide-legged, flowing gracefully as she walked. The jacket was tailored to perfection, hugging her waist and flaring out slightly at the hips. She wore it as a top, with nothing underneath, the deep V of the jacket hinting at her smooth skin and the curve of her collarbones. The suit was bold, daring, and utterly breathtaking.

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