Chapter 18 - EASTER

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The next day, we headed to my grandparents' house to meet the rest of the family and celebrate Easter and Rose's birthday. My parents and my brother went in my mom's car while my sister insisted on riding with me and Renee.

As we settled into the car, my little sister piped up from the backseat, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Hey, can I ask you for your advice on something?"

"Yeah sure, go ahead baby" I replied, shifting my attention from the road to her in the rearview mirror.

I like how my sister started talking in English to include Renee in the conversation. She always had a way of being considerate like that.

"So, remember my friend Garance ?" She began

"Yeah, what did she do this time ?" I asked, already feeling a sense of deja vu with Garance's antics.

"Well, she's been hanging out with this new group of friends lately, and I don't really like them," Lou explained,

"It's ok for her to have another friend, no ? Is she leaving you behind or something? I say trying to understand the problem

"No, I guess she is trying to include me but they're just... I don't know, they're into things that I'm not comfortable with," Lou confessed

"Have you talked to Garance about how you feel?" I suggested,

Lou sighed. "Yeah, but she just told me that I'm being ridiculous for not liking them"

Renee chimed in, " that the dumbest shit I ever heard"

I chuckled at her straightforwardness. "Care to elaborate, Ray?"

"Well, it's just not fair for Garance to dismiss your feelings like that" she began, her voice firm yet gentle. "Your discomfort is valid, Lou. And a true friend would listen to your concerns and respect them, not brush them off as ridiculous."

Lou nodded, absorbing Renee's words.

"Plus, if I believed people every time they bullied me for not liking someone, I wouldn't be here right now."

I nodded in agreement, feeling grateful for her support. "Exactly, Lou. It's important to trust your instincts and not feel pressured to conform to what others expect of you."

"Yeah, you're right" she answered still processing what we told her

"Maybe you could try talking to Garance again, but this time, really emphasize how you're feeling," I suggested. "Let her know that you're not trying to control who she hangs out with, but you just want her to understand where you're coming from."

Renee nodded in agreement. "And if she still doesn't listen, then maybe it's time to reconsider the friendship," she added

Lou nodded thoughtfully "Yeah, I think I'll do that, thanks guys "

I smiled, proud of Lou for communicating with us about her problem. "You got this, Lou," I reassured her. "And remember, we're here for you every step of the way."

Renee gave her an encouraging smile. "Absolutely. You're not alone in this."

The rest of the ride was mostly Lou excited to introduce us to new music and Renee pretending not to know it yet.

"Listen to this one, it's been on repeat for days!" Lou exclaimed, tapping away at her phone to queue up the next track.

Renee leaned forward, feigning interest. "Hmm, never heard this before. What's it called again?"

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