Chapter 31 - LIAR

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Hii guys, I've noticed some of you have been asking for some more deep topics, a little bit like the Chapter 23 - MONSTER so here it is.

Also, there have been requests for more French parts so I tried to include those as well

I hope you'll enjoy this chapter, don't forget to comment and like it's always great to read you !!

Bye, see you at the end, M



Renee POV :

I cried all afternoon yesterday until I fell asleep, and then all morning today. I couldn't hold my tears back.

I cried because I don't understand why she choose to not tell me about her fucking date !

Why did she lie to me about having feelings for Scarlett when she actually saw her behind my back?

And that fucking text she sent me ! Why would she say that ? I'm still on her mind ? Well I guess I'm not the only one ...

She fucks me like that, send me lovey dovey texts and then go on a date with my friends ? How fucked up is that ? And Scarlett ? Well I'm not talking to that bitch right now, she doesn't deserve my words.

I'm not angry, I think ... She doesn't owe me anything. But I am deeply disappointed and really confused.

Plus, like it happens often after a big social event, like coachella, i'm feeling insecure about myself. I know it's dumb, it feels ridiculous, but it's there.

While some people are incredibly kind, showering me with compliments about how I look and what I do, there are others—others who are downright terrifying and cruel.

Life make no sense right now

How is it possible that close ones and people you love could knowingly hurt you, out of pure selfishness and without any consideration for your feelings. However, if you put a "No junk mail" sign on your mailbox, the underpaid individual you probably won't ever meet won't put junk mail in your mailbox. Unpredictable, uncontrollable.

Alex called me and I didn't answer. He texted me to come to the studio so I'm on my way right now. Maybe it will be good to make music.

As I step into the studio, Alex greets me with a bright smile. At least someone here is in a good mood. However, as soon as his eyes land on me, his face turns into a very concerned look.

"Did you cry?"

"No" I reply, pouting slightly, knowing full well that I'm not convincing anyone.

"Your eyes are red and puffy, you did cry, Are you ok ?"

"Yeah I'm fine" I mumble, attempting to brush him off as I make my way into the room.

"Is it because your lover Max is gone ?" he teases mockingly, a smirk playing on his lips.

"No," I snap back, irritation creeping into my voice. "She's definitely not my lover," I grumble under my breath.

He looks at me, confused. "Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything is fine" I sight, flopping on the couch

"Renee, please talk to me" he says softly, moving to sit beside me.

I straight down against the couch. Look down and play with my rings.

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