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Hello there ! What's up ? 

Like always, I hope you'll like this chapter

Some cheeky stuff are coming soon

Any recommentations/desires for what can happen next ?

SPAM with comments and likes if you want a little smut soon (maybe next chapter if you do so) ! ; )

Byyyye - M



Max's POV

I've been riding horses all my life, even back when I lived in Brussels. It was a weekly ritual for me, my escape from the everyday grind.

And then, when Lola left for Bogota she asked me to take care of her horse while she wasn't there. I started riding her horse every weekend, taking care of him, training with him, I even took it out in competition a few times. Despite any fatigue or weariness I may have felt, I made it a priority to spend time with him. There was even a time when I had a broken wrist, but that didn't stop me. Instead of riding, I walked alongside him or trained him without getting on his back. He's always been such a sweet horse, and he still is to this day.

However, when I moved to London, the hustle and bustle of my new life consumed me, and I found myself riding less frequently. It brought with it a whirlwind of new experiences and responsibilities that quickly filled my days. It wasn't that I lost interest, but rather, my busy schedule left little room for it. I always whine about missing it though.

Now that I have decided to take a break and take my work life slower. I think I really want to ride more.

So, I reached out to Kim, a friend I met at the equestrian center. Although we had a brief romantic fling before she met her girlfriend, we remained friends. I asked her if she thought it would be possible for me to join her for a class today, and to my surprise, she readily agreed, despite it being last minute.

With the class not scheduled until 4 PM, I take the opportunity to make the most of the day. The morning sun streams through the windows, casting a warm glow across the room as I set about my tasks.

First on my to-do list is tidying and cleaning the house. Maddy and Noah have left early this morning, both at work. I start with the kitchen, whipping down the countertops, scrubbing away any lingering traces of the previous day's cooking endeavors. I then grab the vacuum cleaning and start vacuuming, moving from room to room. I tidy the living room,putting everything lying around in its original place.

Next on my list is tackling the laundry. I gather up the pile of clothes that has accumulated in the hamper and make my way to the laundry room. Sorting through the garments, I separate lights from darks and toss them into the washing machine.

I take a long lunch break, watching some episodes of Two Broke Girls while eating. And continue my series while doing some ironing.

With a quick glance at the clock, I realize I have just enough time to freshen up and change before setting out. Once dressed, I gather my essentials – helmet, boots, an extra sweatshirt in case I get cold and a water bottle – and pack them into my bag. With everything in order, I grab my keys from the table and make my way to the door.

Stepping outside, I'm greeted by the crisp afternoon air and the faint scent of blooming flowers. The sun hangs low in the sky, casting a warm golden glow over the city. I lock the door behind me and head to my car, parked just down the street.

Slipping into the driver's seat, I start the engine and plug my phone into the car stereo. As the familiar strains of my playlist of the month fill the air, I feel a surge of energy coursing through me. The upbeat rhythms fit perfectly with my joyful mood. I have a minute's car ride before arriving at the stables.

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