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Hii guys, here is chapter 20 !! already. To celebrate today's chapter will be a little special with a change of POV ! I don't think I will put a lot of other POV in this story but here the occasion seems good to do so.

I have a couple more very sweet chapters coming but I'm thinking of dropping some littles dramas soon. How do you feel about that ?

Enjoy, don't forget to like and comment when you can/want.



Renee's POV :

As I sit in the passenger seat, the warmth of the sun on my face, I haven't felt this relaxed in weeks. My eyelids feel heavy, weighed down by the soothing cadence of the car's movement and the soft melodies of the Fugees playing in the background. I can't help but feel grateful for this peaceful moment.

Today was amazing. I got to meet Maxine's entire family, and even though I was a bundle of nerves, I think I handled it pretty well. I chatted with everyone, played with the kids, picked up a few French phrases, savored the mind-blowing roasted chicken that Maxine's grandma made, and performed the song I wrote for Rose. It may have been a rough draft, but I'm thrilled I got the chance to sing it and I think everyone appreciated it.

I'm just watching her as she drives. She is really focused on the road even though she seems to know it by heart. She told me that she liked driving. I can see that now, she seems relaxed, there's a sense of calmness about her. But there is also something kind of sexy about it, you know? She's got one hand on the wheel, not gripping it too tight, just cruising along like she owns the road. And the other hand's resting on the gear shift. She wears a blue tank top that matches her eyes and who lets her arms muscles show. It's pretty damn attractive.

As we drive along, there's this cozy silence settling between us, wrapping us up like a warm blanket. It's a rare feeling for me. Normally, I'm all about filling the gaps in conversation, scared to death of those awkward silences. But with Max, it's different. It's like we're perfectly in sync, and the quiet is just as comforting as the sound of her voice.

As we continue our journey, the landscapes begin to change around us. We crossed fields of rapeseed with bright yellow flowers, pastures full of cows and a few small villages with houses typical of the region. And now we find ourselves driving through a lush forest, the sunlight filtering through the leaves and branches above. The golden rays create a mesmerizing dance of light and shadow, casting enchanting patterns on the forest floor. I don't want to sound ridiculous but do you remember the images from children's stories? Enchanted forests, bathed in light, small flying insects leaving and shining in the air, green moss on gigantic trees. Well that's exactly what this forest looks like. It's as if we've stepped into a fairy tale.

As I begin to close my eyes, I notice a subtle change in the car's movement. The familiar hum of the engine slows, and I feel a gentle shift as the car comes to a stop on the side of the road. The sudden halt rouses me from my daze, and I blink my eyes open, momentarily disoriented.

"Is everything okay? Is there a problem?" I inquire, concern lacing my voice.

"No, come on, I want to show you something," Max replies with a reassuring smile.

Curious but trusting, I step out of the car, watching as Max retrieves her bag and another item from the trunk. Leaving our coats behind due to the pleasant temperature, we venture into the forest together. Max leads the way, and I follow, feeling a sense of anticipation building within me. As we navigate through the trees, Max guides us up a small hill nestled within the forest.

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