Chapter 37 - TOWA'S PARTY

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Hello there ! Is it time for the big discussion ? I think so, and apparently Towa thinks so too !

I'm trying a new thing in this chapter, a POV from another character than our two gay mess, I hope you'll like it ( tell me) and if you do, do you want other characters POV ? (who?)

Like always : Don't forget to like, comment blablabla ... It really helps me getting ideas, knowing what you guys like so I can adapt my writing to you <3

Byye, M



Towa's POV (yay)

I was talking to Nina, my girlfriend, who I was very much in love with, and this party was kind of a reason to introduce her to everyone and ... Anyway I was talking to Nina when suddenly, I heard Renee yell. I turned to face the scene, and there she was, yelling at Max. Oh no, I can't take this anymore. The two of them need to talk about their feelings. These two have been in love since the day they met.

I can clearly remember Renee being really annoying the day after she met Max, telling everyone that she absolutely had to send her flowers to thank her for something minor. She kept insisting it was just because 'she was sweet', but the way she talked about her, with her eyes practically glowing, told a different story. We all exchanged knowing glances, barely suppressing our smiles and she kept denying the thing. But we all knew. The way she talked about Max, the way her voice softened and her eyes sparkled—it was obvious to everyone but her.

And the first time I saw them together, oh my god, I had never seen Renee like that—she was a complete mess, in the best way possible, her usual confidence nowhere to be found. And listen, I think Scarlett is a little crazy for what she did, but I kind of get it now.

Renee was drunk, and I couldn't let them argue in front of everyone.

"Okay, no! Stop that now, you two need to talk to each other!" I say my voice was firm and decisive. I grabbed both of them by the hand, ignoring their protests, and dragged them towards an empty room down the hallway. Pushing them inside like little kids being punished, I glared at them. Tonight, finally, after so many months of dancing around their feelings, they were forced to confront them head-on.

"Now talk. I'm not letting you out of this room until you do." I slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

Scarlett and Nina soon joined me near the door, and we glued our ears to it, trying to listen to what was going on inside. What? We are curious!

I could practically feel the tension through the door.

"You always do this, Renee!" Max's voice finally broke the silence, filled with frustration. "You run away from your feelings."

"And you're any better?" Renee shot back. "You act like nothing phases you, but I know it does."

"Let's give them some privacy," Nina suggested, and we moved away from the door, letting the two finally have their moment.

Max's POV

Renee stood there, swaying slightly, her eyes brimming with tears and anger. The room felt small, the air thick with unspoken words and emotions. I took a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts, but the weight of the situation was overwhelming.

"Why does this affect you so much ? You're upset, and I get it, but this isn't helping."

She glared at me, her fists clenched at her sides. "Upset? You think I'm just upset? You don't understand, do you? It's not just about Scarlett being at the party. It's about everything! It's about you being with her, living with her, while I'm here feeling like I don't matter to you anymore!"

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