Chapter 32 - NEW JOB

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Heyy, I'm so so sorry for posting this late. I had so much work to do (still do actually).

I hope you like it anyway, please like and comment,

Byyee, see you at the end, M



Renee's POV :

As sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room, I slowly stirred from sleep. There was a certain strangeness to waking up here since I moved out. Not in a bad way though, I like it here, I feel comfortable, but it's just not really the same. It used to be home, it still is in a way, but it's also not.

With a sigh, I pushed back the covers and sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

I was finishing getting dressed when I heard a soft knock on my bedroom door. Turning around, I saw my brother Charles peeking in, a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey, Nae," he said softly, stepping into the room.

"Hey, Charlie," I replied, returning his smile.

"Did you get any sleep ?" He ask with a worried tone

"Yeah" I say, not sounding convinced.

I did not sleep well but being here surely made it better.

"You know," Charles began softly, breaking the silence, "I remember when we were kids, and one of us was sad, Mom and Dad used to take us to the lake."

I nodded, a fond smile tugging at my lips. "Yeah, I remember too."

"Maybe we could go today" he suggested, his eyes hopeful.

A small grin crept onto my face, mirroring Charles's gentle smile.

"That sounds perfect," I replied

Charles's eyes lit up at my response, his smile widening.

"Great! I'll pack some sandwiches and drinks. Meet me by the car in fifteen?"

I chuckled at his excitement

The lake was not very far from my parent's house, only 20 min by car. Charles and I wasted no time, eagerly setting up our spot by the shore and unpacking the provisions he had brought along.

We spent all morning there until the early hours of the afternoon. We talked about everything, catching up on our lives. I had missed my brother more than I realized. I love him so much, he has always been the gentle soul in our family, always listening to people, always putting himself first, always caring. I mean, seriously, how sweet is it that he noticed my sadness and instantly thought to whisk me away to our childhood haunt to cheer me up?

Apart from the fact that I was beyond happy to see him again, it was also really refreshing to connect with someone who wasn't tangled up in the complexities of my work life, someone who didn't know Max and who I trust to be fully honest with me even when it hurts. It's not that I don't trust my friends to be honest with me but ... well recently I have been tempted to be careful on that (thank you Scarlett). Alyah is probably the only one with my brother that I trust 100 percent but I haven't seen her in a while. Our busy schedules had kept us apart lately, me with my studio sessions and her with making her very first movie. Note to self, text Alyah to meet up soon.

We laid on the wooden deck, the warmth of the sun seeping into our skin as we gazed out at the tranquil waters before us. The lake was really calm, as always, nobody was there.

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