Chapter 10 - BIRMINGHAM PART 2

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After the concert wraps up, Bella guides me backstage through the bustling crowd of crew members and performers. It's a bit of a madhouse, but it's nice to see familiar faces and catch up with everyone in the chaos. I can feel the tension drop, everyone is relaxing since the concert is now done. everyone is happy, it want well. I catch some people it want so much better than the previous ones.

We finally reach a room full of people. I spot Alexander, and it's great to see him back. We're joined by Towa, adorable human, we chat a little, i know she's renee's ex but she is the only one who was not a bitch to her, they just didn't work as a couple. They're still friends now. we getting along, she as really good vibes i like it.

i talk with some people for a while, drinking a beer that someone gave to me when i first got here.

At some point, I spot Renee making her entrance. She's searching for someone, scanning the room until her eyes land on mine. Without hesitation, she begins to make her way towards me, a sense of urgency in her movements. Before I know it, she's right in front of me, wrapping me up in a tight hug. It's one of those hugs that just feels right. Strong, warm, comforting. I squeeze her back just as tightly.

As I hold onto Renee, I catch a sniff of her scent – a mix of her perfume and the faint smell of her shampoo. It's comforting, like a cozy blanket on a chilly day. There's something sweet about it too, like a warm hug from an old friend. It feels familiar and welcoming, almost like getting home after a long day.

Eventually, we pull back slightly, our eyes meeting in a silent understanding. With a soft smile, Renee breaks the silence, her voice barely above a whisper but carrying a world of emotion.

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Bella called me, telling me you felt a little down, so I came"

"You didn't have to do that, Max," she says, her tone laced with gratitude.

I shrug casually, trying to play it off. "Hey, anything for my Ray of sunshine, right?"

A playful glint dances in her eyes.

She leans in closer, her breath brushing against my cheek as she whispers, "Good to know. So, what's the plan now that you're here?"

I can feel the warmth of her breath against my skin, sending shivers down my spine. "Well, I was thinking we could start by catching up over a drink. Unless you have other ideas?"

Her lips curve into a mischievous smile as she steps back, her eyes dancing with anticipation. "I'm open to suggestions. Lead the way, Max."

As the night wears on, the group starts talking about what to do next. Everyone's keen on hitting up a bar. glance over at Renee and notice the fatigue etched on her face, her eyes heavy with exhaustion. Sensing her weariness, I speak up, gently proposing an alternative.

"Hey, how about we skip the bar scene tonight?" I suggest, directing my attention to Renee. "You seem pretty wiped out. What do you say we opt for a quieter night instead? Maybe catch a movie back at the hotel?"

A grateful smile spreads across Renee's face, followed by a mischievous smirk as she nods in agreement.

"Are you suggesting some alone time in a hotel room?" she teases.

I play along, sticking my tongue out at her before she continues,

"That sounds perfect, actually. A little downtime sounds like just what I need."

Back at the hotel we decided to head directly to Renee's room for our movie night. As Renee scrolled through the selection of movies on the TV, I took charge and ordered some food for us.

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